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Average Commuter Spends 38 Hours In Traffic Per Year
9/19/2007 3:20:50 AM
Here's the lastest news on commutinng and costs of such.

Watch this video:

and then read this:

I much better way I think.

Kenneth R Sword Jr

Arthur Webster

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Re: Average Commuter Spends 38 Hours In Traffic Per Year
9/19/2007 3:53:47 AM

Hi, Kenneth,

What utopian land do you live in? I know commuters who would kill to be able to spend only 38 hours a year commuting. In a 235 day working year that is less than 5 minutes each way each day.

As for the scooter, come to Spain and see the land of scooters! 69cc is a bit too big an engine since a 50cc scooter here can be ridden without a licence. Unfortunately, scooters are not ridden for economy and though most are capable of in excess of 100mpg, very few will achieve it - ridden, as they are, on full throttle.

The Old Coot

Re: Average Commuter Spends 38 Hours In Traffic Per Year
9/19/2007 4:29:50 AM
Hey Old Coot,

The news reported that as a national average. Some cities went much higher around 70+ hours a year. Even I personally think the numbers are skewed.

I remember when living in El Paso, TX. it was 30 minutes each way every day. So that's 5 hours per week/ 250+ hours per year.

So I'm not sure what the news meant but the gas cost and most commuters riding solo is alot of waste.

Most scooters I refer to are the 49cc and as you say no licensing. Here, they have plenty of power, moving over 35 MPH (60+ km/hr.) and average 70 to 100+ MPG (120 to 180+ kmpg).

Yamaha is notorious for over 100 MPG with thier 49cc scooters. The Zuma, C3 and Vino models boast the 100+ and many forums show riders reporting this as well.

Anyway, glad you caught that 38 hours deal and questioned it. I need to see the news report again to be sure I heard correctly.

Thanks for posting

Re: Average Commuter Spends 38 Hours In Traffic Per Year
9/19/2007 4:43:07 AM
Well, I just listened again and the news report does say 38 hours per year going to work average for the nation.

I guess this combines the 5 minute commute with those that drive over an hour each way. Who knows how they got that number.

What is staggering is the fuel cost per year. 2.9 Billion gallons wasted at $7.8 Billion spent in wasted fuel. And 3/4 of all commutes are single driver with no passengers.

Judy Smith

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Re: Average Commuter Spends 38 Hours In Traffic Per Year
9/19/2007 7:53:36 AM

Hi Ken,

I heard this news report this morning and pretty much had the same reaction as Arthur.  38 hours might be a a national average, but I live in a non utopian state and fall in the way above that average crowd. 

If I recall what I heard correctly, and since it was 5 in the morning that is questionable, the total waste is up around the $82 billion mark because of lost work hours as well as the fuel that is wasted.  Add that to the environmental polution and - oh my!!

Thanks for this.  Gotta get away from the commute - it's a time waster!!



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