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Mary Hofstetter

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Panda Pointer--Make Your Own Forum Part 1
9/17/2007 9:51:15 AM
Make Your Own Forum This is what appears in View Community Activites. 5. Active and Customizable Discussion Boards. Create and Manage your own discussion boards for any topic you wish. Make your discussion boards private, moderated, or public. Exchange your ideas and share your experience with over 50,000 People. Receive notice immediately when there is activity to a forum/thread you are on. ************************************************* Discussion Boards is another name for Forums. Think in terms of the forums of Rome and Greece where teachers had an audience. Some would just listen and some would ask questions and give opinions. Each individual page you create is called a thread. The threads added together compose forums. BEFORE YOU BEGIN MAKE A PLAN >>think of which category you want your forum to be >>LOOK AT THE best forums listed at the bottom of the page. >>Choose several people on your friends list-visit their forums to understand what a forum is. >>DECIDE ON A GENERAL STATEMENT-like the title of a book. It has to be a broad topic check out the winning forums. Use lot's of rich text. Spiders (google) will love you. >>BREAK IT DOWN INTO SOME SUBJECTS--how many threads can you create with that subject. Think in terms of chapters in a book. It should be so broad that you have an endless list of things you can post. >>100 friends will probably bring 3-4 posts so consider getting about 800 people on your friends list. >> Decide what you will check Moderated - you can approve or reject each post before it will be displayed in the forum Status: Active Membership: Public - everyone can be a member of this and everyone can view and post messages Moderated - you have to approve each Only forum members can post messages. Everyone can view messages Private - forum is visible only to its members. You have to each member. Only forum members can view or post messages. (You will be using your mouse to put a check mark) >>Decide if you want people on your personal address book to receive notices of your forum. >>All decisions you make can be altered so don't be afraid to experiement or ask a good friend here in Adlandpro. If you can do your planning today, I will be back tomorrow with the process of getting your forum up and running. Once you start it is good to have made these decisions. That's the voice of experience. Knowing of these choices ahead of time should help you feel more comfortable.

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