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Felicia Harris

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Action Plan Steps To * * Get Paid $160 * * This Week!
8/30/2007 12:36:02 AM
 ~ You Can Get Paid This Week!   
My sponsor and I each made $500 the first week we tried this. This week I've added additional ways to make money with this quick cash flow strategy.
Hello again, it's me! I have a very important updates to give you. Also a personal prayer request/Wed. update/inspirational encouraging message at the very end of this email.
I've been hard at work the last several weeks and I have even adjusted and added to our training project this week! I struggled for years offline and online trying to learn how to be successful and now that I have made serious money working from home, my focus has been on how to have a great training system in place where you and your associates can duplicate our results! I have spent many, many hours working on this training project. Not only this year but also this month!
We now have in place something that can benefit anyone regardless to what country you live in and what kind of success you have had in the past. If you have particular challenges you are facing, just let me know and I'll do my best to adjust our training if we need to so that you can get paid $100 - $200 or more as quickly as possible!
We now have a 2 part training system in place.
Part 1) Cash flow method that can make you $160 or more in less than a month or even less than a week if you are committed and ready to get started today. We know this first cash flow strategy works because we have made very good money with just this strategy alone. But combining it with the Step 2 training, will make all the difference in the world and is the key benefit that has just been added to our training project.
Part 2) The second marketing training step will give you training in how to get anywhere from 50-200 sign-ups, while building a residual income that has the potential to pay you 4 and 5 figures monthly. We already know this training system works, because the team has over 300 members on just the first 3 levels alone!
Because the Step 2 Team training that will show you how to get 50 sign-ups or more, this can be worth $4000 paid to you in up front cash profits, just using the Step 1, cash flow strategy training step. You'll be able to receive up front cash profits while building 2 monthly residual income streams that have the potential to pay you 4-5 figures a month eventually.
So here is the first step, which is the cash flow strategy. The second step will be given to you in the next training step.
This quick cash flow program, pays out daily 7 days a week! If you are in the USA Click Here.  You can sign up for free. Choose the reward towards the bottom of the page that says, Custom Order (0 Referrals) I'll explain in your training what that means.
Once you become a free member I'll receive notification and I'll follow up with instructions on how to get started and how to utilize this to build several residual income streams. It is the easiest type of program where it is possible for a new member to make $160 or more in less than 30 days if that is your goal and focus. And with our new revised team training you'll learn how to use this to create several monthly residual income streams. I'll give you step by step training action plan steps.
If you are in outside of the USA Click Here. This Incentive Marketing program is available world wide and you'll receive the same training for the residual monthly income streams. This program pays out weekly so if you are ready to get started today, you could be paid by Saturday. After you become a free member I'll email you to find out what country you are from and then I'll know what training to give you. Please request the Custom Order as your prize.
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Georgios Paraskevopoulos was kind enough to feature me in the Philoxenia forum. So many Adland friends stopped by to visit. If you haven't seen it yet, just Click Here.  
If you are a new Adland friend and you would like to learn more about my personal background my Bio was featured in Adland when I was voted Adland person of the week last fall. Click Here to read my Bio. There is a short one paragraph summary by my picture if you don't want to read the long Bio version that I wrote.
The future looks bright!
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success...."
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Personal Update:
 I'm behind in several tasks, but I'm happy that after many hours of work that I have this new team training system in place. So at least I no longer have to investigate training/marketing systems, what I will be offering to our team, I like better than any thing I have ever seen.
Today I worked really hard on sending out training update emails, taking time to also check to see what progress each team member has made so far. I haven't yet answered most of today's Adland and Yahoo emails. If I don't get to it tonight I'll have to work on it tomorrow. Part of the day my mind has been running, I have some offline challenges that I don't have a solution for and it's an emotional/mental challenge for me at times.
I do have times when I have to resist stress/discouragement, but as I remind myself to encourage myself in the Lord, I realize that God's favor has helped to solve some of the challenges that I couldn't have possibly solved in my own human efforts! My prayer request is for God's help, wisdom, favor, direction, blessing, and length of days in terms of productivity, to help me in certain personal situations that have to be dealt with over the next few weeks and particularly this week. I need a special breakthrough by Friday. The main verses that I'm standing on that are an encouragement to me are Psalm 46:1, Isaiah 40:31, and Psalm 121:1.
Thank you so much for your prayers and your friendship. Adland friends have been a true blessing in my life and I hope in some way I have been a blessing in yours as well!
I heard an inspirational story on ESPN this month. And no it wasn't anything about the Colts winning the Super Bowl! LOL Although that is the best way to bring a smile to my face, when I remember that my Colts are finally Super Bowl Champions.
A retired NFL player shared this when he was recently elected into the hall of fame. It meant a lot because in his life he had messed up badly several times and gone through some rough personal public times because of it. Because of that he didn't think he would ever be elected into the Hall of Fame.
He shared this story with tears falling down his face during his acceptance speech at the NFL Hall of Fame. This is what he said he heard spoken to his spirit. "To anyone who has ever doubted or felt they didn't measure up, tell everyone this, 'Look Up, Get Up, Don't Ever Give up!' I actually found that inspirational enough to write it down several days ago when I first heard it.
Well the story gets better. A man who was considering committing suicide heard his speech. So rather than killing himself he decided to drive himself to a church instead. Isn't that an awesome story?
You never know when someone is about to give up. Rather it's giving up on life, on a relationship, or a personal dream. Carry these words in your heart to encourage yourself and others. We all need to be reminded of that message from time to time! God will make a way, where there seems to be no way. He did say, "Is there anything to difficult for Me?"
Touch your highest vision & make it part of who you are in every moment.

I've enjoyed making money working from home for over 8 years. I have a real passion to show others how to do the same.

All members share in a revenue profit pool that is paid out several times a day! You don't have to sponsor to participate and earn. Get paid very well just for advertising your business. No daily sub commitment. Start with as little as a one time $2 ad. This site has a write up that explains what makes this income stream so unique. ~ ~

~ Register for free today. ===>>>

This income cash strategy paid me $500 the first week that I tried it. Since then it has paid me over and over again. Now it come with a free Marketing System. You can also access marketing resources and training to help you to build any business. You can be paid in 48 hours.~ ~ ~

James Rundell jr

87 Posts
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Re: Action Plan Steps To * * Get Paid $160 * * This Week!
9/10/2007 9:09:01 PM
Felicia I would like to thank you for so many ideas that have worked so well in my business. I have made an unbelievable amount of money due to techiques and information gathered from your informational exchanges!   jim
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