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Medical Intuitive
8/23/2007 10:45:37 AM
Most people are shocked to learn their bodies tell them exactly what is wrong with them emotionally. Medical Intuitive individuals can read your body like an exray machine, and tell what is wrong with you, but also tell you what is causing the illness. Please share with me what is going on with you. Do you have head aches, lower back pain, stomach pain, and so on.
April Corbitt Life Coach 619-442-1341
Re: Medical Intuitive
10/5/2007 12:25:34 PM

What can I say april. I think you have somthing here. I really like the picture of essence you have in the surrounding of a child's atmosphere.


I think you work well with helping to solve problems, this something I support. I have children, but now they are adults trying jto accomplish something in their lifes. I can say that I am proud of them so far.

I hope that to contribute to helping with stress also. The products that I like to market, I feel are needed and that anyone with anytype of background could benefit from. Even people who suffer physically can always use healthful alternatives to put stress back at it's level and free those radicals for the new support.

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Please do not use an AOL E-mail to ask questions. We will reply and answer the question but AOL blocks more than half of our E-mail. You will think we did not answer and get mad at us.


Denyse Misher