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Nick Grimshawe

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Thoughts on the Day
8/2/2007 6:56:45 PM
This morning I took a walk in the woods with my two dogs. I brought my diary with me. When we found a perfect spot to sit down, instead of writing , I drew. I drew the scene before me.

I am not an artist. I had intended to write, but I drew instead.

I drew the stillness that is the forest. I drew in inside or me.

I know I want to carry the silence of the forest inside me forever.

Later sitting in the sun at Starbucks and sipping my Americano, letting the silence of the forest flow through me ideas began to pop into my head.

I did not have my note book.

(Note to Self) Always carry a note book and a pen.

I went into the dollar store and bought, what turned out to be a perfect little notebook for that purpose. The paper is thick like a File Card so it won't get crumbled and ripped with wear, and you can tear away each page. Even better one side is blank and one side lined so that I can  draw, if the urge takes me, or write.

I have been looking for such a note book for ages. Even Staples didn't carry what I wanted, but for a dollar I found what I needed.

Back at the table with my muffin and coffee I try to remember what it was I wanted to write down.

Here's One Note:

As I sat having my coffee and muffin I saw a sparrow nearby. I brushed the crumbs from the muffin onto the ground where he would be less shy to come and take my offering. I realized what were crumbs to me became a lovely meal for the sparrow. I wonder how many other things are like that?

Thoughts on my Vacation

Last vacation I lived in a hyper state of time, days flashing by with returning to work looming on the horizon, like an angry cloud.

This time, I have taken the stillness inside: resolved not to rush through my days with a never ending list of chores. Instead I take longer walks with my dogs and spend time at the turn-around-point to linger over a sandwich and a bottle of water and make notes in my Diary. Back home, regardless of endless chores, I  spend an hour working in the garden. Then finally I head to the computer to complete my to do list.

Funny, this time I am getting all my chores done!

I picked up two books at the bookstore:

"The Tao of Pooh" by Benjamin Hoff


"Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life : Living the Wisdom of the Tao" By Dr Wayne Dyer who has taken on the role of the teacher that appears when the student (me) is ready.

 Do you think my choices where accidents?

I read  Dr Dyer's Preface holding the book in my hand as if I held a vast treasure.

I read the first verse of the Tao Te Ching. Tears came to my eyes, joyful tears.

What a wonderful day!

Nick Grimshawe Subscribe for Free at
Nick Grimshawe

792 Posts
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Re: Thoughts on the Day: Notes from My Journals
10/2/2007 9:30:56 PM

New Thoughts for the Day

Notes From August 14/07

As I sit having supper I thought: "This summer is more wondrous than any I remember."

Why is that?

Viewpoint. My viewpoint changed.


As I thought about the summer a diaphanous scent , a gossamer of the divine waft passed. I took a deep silky breath, greedy to hold onto the nebulous perfume that played at the edge of my awareness.

Sun warmed air brushed over fresh violets called to me, urged me to take the gift into my soul.


This still garden bath in late afternoon sun lingers like a lover reluctant to leave the tender heart of passion.


So I linger too entranced by the moment, calm in the presence of joy.


Me: More at peace with the world, relaxed , able to just enjoy.

Be sure to visit my site. I have a lot of content.





Nick Grimshawe Subscribe for Free at
Nick Grimshawe

792 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Thoughts on the Day: Notes from My Journals
10/7/2007 2:45:31 PM

Hello everyone,


I recently posted a quote on Purpose:

Fotolia_383911_S[1] (Large)

� Joy Fera -

I’m doing what I think I was put on this earth to do. And I’m really grateful to have something that I’m passionate about and that I think is profoundly important.

Source: Marian Wright Edelman:

This is the basics of it all. To have a purpose, to do something you are passionate about and believe that it is important or that it makes a difference.

We must all start here with purpose. Finding that purpose is your purpose and once you have found it to pursue it with all the passion you can muster.

Your purpose doesn’t have to be big: you don’t need to go out and end all war and strife. Small things lead to big changes.

We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee.

Source: Marian Wright Edelman:

This Thursday, ask yourself , if you are not sure of your purpose, “What is it I most love to do?”

If you know your purpose, ask yourself, “how can I live my purpose more fully.

Have a thoughtful Thursday.


Note: This is a two for one Thursday! It all just seemed to fit together.

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After posting the quote I thought I should share my experience and what I learned from as I searched for my Purpose.

Here is the result.


Five Steps to Discovering Your Purpose in Life



I proudly call myself a late bloomer. I did not discover my purpose until I was 56 years old. Don’t get me wrong; I sort of had an idea. I tried one thing, then another, then another as I searched for “my” purpose.


A series of apparent coincidences (See my article “Why Blog”) lead me to “discover” my purpose.


Purpose is the basic to all other things. Once you know your mission, have created you own mission statement, then everything in your life builds upon the solid foundation of your own purpose.


If you think about the attainment of your dreams as a process of opening doors, then purpose becomes the most important “Life Key” as it opens the first door to all other possibilities.


I know from hundreds of conversations with others, that I am not the only one having difficulty with this subject. I hope my experience inspires you to continue your search.

The following steps replicate as much as possible the steps I took to arrive at my purpose in life.


Step One:


Make a list, not just any list. This list will contain your “Life Keys”: the actions, qualities, interest, that have influence your life: Items that you always fallen back on, or interests that fade but always come back.


Find a quiet place to think where you won’t be disturb. If you need to go out of the house to a comfy coffee shop, or find a tree to sit under, then do what is necessary. This is an important task. Be sure to take along your notebook or diary.


Once you are comfortable, start to write out all the common repetitive threads in your life.


For instance, I have always wanted to write. From the time I could hold pen to paper, I began to write. I would leave this vocation from time to time, sometimes for long periods, but eventually I would come back to it. Therefore, writing became my first life key.


Don’t worry at first about what is first or second, just let the words flow out. Write what ever comes to mind, even if it doesn’t make sense to you. Write until you have at least 30 items on your list, but don’t stop there if you are on a roll.


When you can’t think of a single other thing, go back, and review you list.


Look for patterns, or groups of items that are similar. I lumped food, gardening, cooking, and wine, into one group. Then all the “help” items, helping people, cheering people up, helping people see the bright side, I put into another group. Writing and reading formed another group. You get the idea. Whittle your list down to three to five items. Don’t stop until you are satisfied with you groupings.


You now have your “life Keys” These are the items that have found resonance with you throughout your life. These Keys will unlock the secret of your purpose.


Step Two.


Put the list away, go for a walk, sleep on them: let them percolate. Unless you have a blinding flash of insight, give yourself several days for the impact of your “life Keys” to work their way though your soul.


After a few days, open your list of “life Keys” and circle the one that pops out at you. One of them will. That will be your “Primary Life Key”. This key will unlock a door. You may not know which door yet, but it will open the first door to a whole new world.


Step Three.


Now is the time for you to ask, “What is it about my “Primary Life Key” that attracts me?”


For me Writing and Reading was my “primary life key”.  What was it about writing and reading that held me? Why was I attracted to those things? Keep asking the questions.

When you start to get answers jot them down.


You don’t have to do this all at once. Take your time, let ideas flow through you. Be receptive to what comes to mind, don’t discard anything at this point, It is very important that you stay open to the process; let the current carry you along.


Step Four:


Now look at the other group of items. Ask yourself how do they relate to your primary life Key? What common threads run through them? For me, the “Food Group” contained items about which I had written in the past.  The relationship centered on writing about my “Food Group.” I enjoyed reading and writing about these things. Another group I called my quest for knowledge or the “answers” to life. “How did they relate to my primary Life Key? In order to “help” I needed to understand “how” I could help.


By now, you should begin to feel, way down deep inside, the stirring of some tenuous thread, maybe a tinge of excitement, and ground swell of passion.


Just let the process run its course. Let the juices flow; write down everything that comes to mind. Go back and review your list, keep mulling the relationships. Go off and read things, listen to music, take long walks, read poetry, garden. Notice how these instructions come out of my “Life Keys”?


Do not try too hard at this point. Do not despair: you are almost there.


What you are waiting for is a flash, a sudden rush of inspiration, or an epiphany.  


When that moment arrives, do step 5 right away.


Step 5


 Write out your short personal mission statement based on your insights. You might have to play with it to get it just right. Again, don’t struggle with this, just let it flow, you can tidy it up later.



Mine is very simple.


“To share a beautiful summer morning, where all is potential, and all things are possible, with everyone I possibly can.”



What is yours?


Nick Grimshawe













Nick Grimshawe Subscribe for Free at
Re: Thoughts on the Day: Notes from My Journals
2/13/2008 9:03:22 AM
Hi Nick, I have never been much for the poetry. While it is lovely, those words are quite complex and the meaning really deep at times. My strength is in math. However, your verbosity does impress me very much. Thanks, Stephen

P.S. You are Profile of the Day here.
Adlandpro is one of my fave sites as the people are fanta-bulous, the networking is great, having a place to share ads and info rocks! For over 20 years now I've been part of a huge T.E.A.M., where "Together Everyone Achieves More." Our dreams and goals are to help as many folks succeed as possible no matter what occupation or biz you are in. I have 3 main blogs or websites, including expertise in blogging, forums, communities, network marketing, social networking, advertising, lead generation, SEO & more. Love connecting with like-minded individuals. Thanks so much, Mark Stephen Hauser of and my main blog
Lawrence Bergfeld

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Re: Thoughts on the Day: Notes from My Journals
7/21/2008 9:57:23 AM

I think it is great to do it and achieve one goal at time. Don't share your goals with anyone else except those whom you want to do business together. The others will talk you out of it.


PS: Be A Mentor With A Servants Heart Lawrence Bergfeld 917-399-6207