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Thank You
7/29/2007 9:47:39 AM
Hi Sam, Thank you for inviting me to your forum. Sam would you please read my post here when you have the opportunity Adland Friends Helping Friends, this will tell you a little about me. Yes, I'm a newby and working hard to try to earn an extra income. I work a full time job, and spend 6 to 8 hours a day on my computer. Am I making a lot of money, know not yet, but I believe I will in time. A friend invited me to join this program: If you are going to spend 6 to 8 hrs a day on the computer and there is a free chance to earn a part of the revenue that companies are making off of you , why not take it. This is my id BBGG9337 if you haven't joined? Join under me. Whats the worse thing that could happen you could earn a little extra cash. I also promote a reliable company SFI. Your not going to get rich fast, but over time you could earn a good income. Thanks, Dalton Tetleton
Dalton Tetleton Helping Honest People Make An Honest Living Free Training NO FEES!!