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Trina Sonnenberg

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Are You a Smart Marketer?
7/17/2007 4:31:57 PM
The Internet has literally changed the way most of us live. Information that once was out of reach, is now at our fingertips. Just get online, head to Google, Yahoo, or Live Search (MSN)... and let the search begin!

Likewise, the Internet has become the place to shop; to not only find information and products, but to actually be able to purchase them, without leaving home. As a result of this convenience, marketers and information providers have flocked to the web to be seen and sell. The competition is abundant and fierce. Getting a decent ranking in the search engines is a full time job in itself.

Is there a way to promote a business, or information, without spending a fortune on SEO, or taking the time required to organically push a web site into the first five pages of search results? The key is to reduce the amount of competition, rather than walking over it. How is this accomplished?

The answer is so simple it make come as a surprise... Listing in smaller, more targeted search engines and directories cuts the competition substantially. With fewer results to contend with, ranking higher is easier.

More and more, people who are searching for information, are looking to smaller and more targeted search engines to find what they need. The virtual information overload, provided by the big three (Google, Yahoo, and Live Search), is not as desirable as it once was. The bigger they get, the more difficult it is for the searcher to find exactly what they're searching for. So... searchers are using specialized search engines to make their task quicker.

Therefore, a smart marketer should be using these types of engines and directories to promote their information, products, or services. Why fight your way to the top of Google? List with specialized search engines and target your market, getting to the top of the results much quicker and easier.

Here are a few examples of the types of topic specific engines I'm referring to:

Do you have information on disabilities, go to and list it.
Are you promoting an event of some kind? List at
Do you provide a service that can save online businesses time and effort? Check out

To help others in the promotion of their topic specific information and resources, iSearchNetwork has created several specialized search engines and directories, like the three I've mentioned above. And, they are free to list in, listing are immediate, and keyword and zip code focused. Rather than wait for weeks to get listed, as with most other search engines, you can get listed in the search results, for your chosen keywords, instantly.

Why spend a whole lot of valuable time, pulling your hair out, to get ranked and indexed by the big three, when you can easily list with the specialized search engines and directories, and see results right away? Are you a smart marketer?

Trina L.C. Sonnenberg
Support Director - iSearchNetwork

Keywords: search engine, specialized search engine, event listings, directories, targeted listing

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Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
Re: Are You a Smart Marketer?
8/7/2007 6:49:46 PM
Thank you so much for your advise. A lot of us do not know to look to other search engines. Have a great day! Gail