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Trina Sonnenberg

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Specialized Databases and Listing With Them
7/17/2007 4:19:42 PM
Getting to the top of Google, Yahoo, and Live Search can be a lengthy and frustrating experience for most marketers. With billions of web sites online, and the massive size of the Big Three's databases, it certainly is no easy task to get your site indexed and ranked in a timely fashion, especially if you know nothing about search engine optimization. However, getting listed in the Big Three is not the only alternative for marketing whatever you've got.

Actually, there is a better, easier, and faster way to get your information out there in public view. Simply use smaller, or more specialized search engines and directories to list with. And, in most cases, it won't cost you anything, but a few minutes of your time.

Due to the fact that the major search engines have so much information being indexed by them, the general public is easily overwhelmed by it all. People are turning to specialized search engines and directories, in an effort to reduce the amount of time spent sifting through the millions of results the Big Three turn out. So, if you are marketing something, promoting an event, or just have some information to share, rather than fighting the climb to the top of Google, you'd be wise to utilize these specialized databases. List in places you'll be seen more quickly and easily. Work smarter, not harder.

There are scores of ebooks and software programs being promoted by the gurus online, but they just end up confusing most people, and they really don't do much for increasing your viability, at least not in a timely fashion. First you have to read them, than you have to implement them; if you happen to be one of the lucky ones who actually understands what you've read. Why go through all that? You don't have to. List in specialized search engines and directories instead.

iSearchNetwork is coming out with a whole host of new, specialized search vehicles and listing databases, to help Internet users. All of them are free to use too! You certainly can't beat that!

All of these new engines and directories will get your information indexed immediately. No more waiting for weeks to be approved. And, all of these programs are keyword and zip code based, so that even if you are promoting something that is offline, say a conference, or physical store front, it will be found quickly.

Listings are placed on a first come first served basis for keywords. For example, if you wanted to list something under the keyword, marketing event; you would place first, if you listed first, third if you listed third, and so on. The Big Three can't do that for you; they are just not designed that way.

Using specialized search engines and directories is a cost effective, stress reducing way to promote your stuff.

Trina L.C. Sonnenberg
Support Director - iSearchNetwork

Keywords: search engine, specialized search engine, event listings, directories, targeted listing

Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
Kyle Watters

441 Posts
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Re: Specialized Databases and Listing With Them
7/17/2007 4:21:48 PM

Getting to the top of the search engines is easy if your SEO is done right.

If you need help let me know,

This is what I can do for you.

Think of our Search Engine Optimization (SEO) service as a complete strategy for your business/website to achieve the best possible results within the industries top search engines.

Establish your website objectives, take a look at your META's to make sure they are done right as well as check existing search engine ranking, website traffic, results, and determine where the gaps might be.

Study your competitors and determine what they are doing right and where we can improve our efforts.

Examine your website’s content for quantity and quality – whether it is relevant and appropriately keyword-dense for your search engine ranking goals.

Ensure that each page of your website is optimized at the structural and code levels.

Maintain consistent branding and usability throughout your website – although it’s now optimized for search engine “robots”, everything still has to look right for the rest of us!

Our work doesn’t have to end there. We can work with you ongoing to ensure that new content and pages are constantly optimized. We’ll recommend new strategies for your site and tweak our efforts as your site grows and your needs change – such as helping you pick out the right online advertising programs for your business. We promise to keep on top of SEO trends and updates – so that you do not have to. Whatever your SEO needs, we have  got the experience and expertise to get you the search engine visibility your business demands!
Start immediately - contact us here

Beware of promises that guarantee your site will be a specific rank. Without an analysis of your goals, content, competition, and other search factors, it is impossible to make such promises.

Google currently dominates the market by over 50% , and the top three engines account for almost 80% of all search traffic.

Doorway pages, domain cloaking, keyword stuffing, link farms or other gimmicks to make your site seem to be more than it is will get your site blacklisted by the engines.

There is no substitute for quality, well-written content that contains rich keywords and key phrases that describe your business and provide value to those who find your site through the search engines. For those who are not comfortable or familiar with copywriting we can help you in this area as well.

Need a website? Have a website but could use some changes or a new look? Maybe some Traffic help? Starting a small business? come see us
Trina Sonnenberg

784 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Specialized Databases and Listing With Them
7/17/2007 4:29:25 PM
I have no trouble getting page one listings on Google, my friend. The article I wrote is for the promotion of specialized search engines. Not everyone can write, and most definitely, most people cannot write well, so content goes out the window unless they hire someone else to write for them, which is what I do for a living.

The whole point of my article was that if you can't write well, and have limited funds, you can list in specialized search engines without going broke. You're more visible, and the engines I mention place you immediately, not days, weeks, or months later. Your comment confuses the issue.

Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276