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Something to think about..
7/6/2007 1:19:13 AM
hello everyone!

I just want to share some advice with you and encourage you to do well.

It doesn't matter what path we choose, if it's wrong we will be made to see that it is, whether that be our business going nowhere, down the drain or something else in our lives.

The most important thing is that we learn from it, pick ourselves up, and start to walk again. We all fall over at some point, no matter what we do - NO ONE IS PERFECT! if anyone convinces you that they are, they are living in a dream world or simply running from themselves.

Whatever you want to achieve in life, don't ever, ever, EVER think it's not possible! I promise you it is, no matter how low you may feel at times, no matter what people tell you or say to discourage you in anyway,You are capable of achieveing anything.
Don't feel frightened, just relax and go with it. At the end of the day, the only people we let down are ourselves.

I hope you will read this and it reaches you deep down somehow.

If any of you need some help or encouragement, I'm here to help ok.

Good luck in whatever you do..

Amanda xxx

Nick Grimshawe

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Re: Something to think about..
8/1/2007 12:09:36 AM
Hi Amanda,

Thanks for your post and wise words. It is really important to never give up.

You never know what might be lurking just around the next curve in the road: like success! We tend to give up just before we get there. Stay the course, go see what is around the next bend.

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