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Michael Brock

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How I Advertise (Part 2): A List of My Top Secret FREE Advertising Methods
6/24/2007 3:52:50 AM
Hey Robert,

Thanks again for the invite to your forum! I took a closer look at Residual Victory since the last time I was here and it seems like a really great program! Indeed, I'm very impressed with it and will be joining under you myself when I'm done here!

In the meantime, I have some great FREE advertising methods that I'd like to share with you and the group as Part 2 of "How I Advertise!" By the way, there will most likely not be a Part 3 in this series, unless I'm specifically requested to provide such.

You see, I have been researching the very subject of FREE advertising in depth now for several months. And I have found some systems that are completely FREE and when diligently implemented can and do, over a relatively short period of time, send TENS OF THOUSANDS of unique, targeted visitors to whatever website(s) / offer(s) you direct them to each and every day!

These FREE systems I'm referring to include such things as powerful email advertising tools / list building programs, automated Search Engine Optimization (SEO) marketing software, brand new Web 2.0 social networks designed for home-based business owners by home-based business owners, and much more. But I'm only going to cover a few of these methods today.

OK, I can feel the suspense in the air and I can even hear you saying to yourself, "What are these 100% FREE advertising systems and how do I get my hands on them?!" Well, I have the answer to that question my friend, and I can't stand the suspense anymore myself . . . So without further ado, I proudly present to you a few of my top secret weapons for 100% FREE advertising:

First, I want to tell you about the FREE list building systems I'm using with incredible results:

1) The List Bandit - You Know "The Money Is In The List" - But Don't Have One? Join List Bandit FREE Today, And You Could Have Access to Thousands in Less than 24 Hours ... Signup, Login, & Send ... It's That Easy!

NOTE: This brand new program is attracting people by the thousands because its developer, Gary Ambrose, is one of the most recognized email experts in the business. And now he's handing you the tools to build your list, easily and automatically. All you need to do is register now, for FREE, by clicking here and let the program handle the heavy lifting.

2) The List Machine - The List Machine is Superior to Other Lead Sources by Building Two Opt-in Lists for You - Instead of Just the Standard One List. Join Now For FREE and Email Your Own List Week After Week!

3) Your Lucky List - Your Lucky List Is The Standard By Which All Other Opt-in List Builders Will Be Measured! Reach A List of Thousands Today, Build Your Own List For Tomorrow ... And Do It FREE!

NOTE: All 3 of these FREE email list building programs are owned and operated by Gary Ambrose and his partners. So you know immediately that they are top-notch and very much worth the short amount of time it will take you to get started on using them right now!

It should only take you about 15-20 minutes to sign up for all 3 and have them instantly building your opt-in  email lists for you! This is an absolute no-brainer and you have absolutely nothing to lose but so much to gain by using them!

And if you do not already belong to these awesome FREE email list building systems, then I highly encourage you to take action and join all 3 of them without delay ... And you can thank me later.

Now, come closer, and let me share my FREE automated SEO software secrets with you:

1) Directory Submitter - Learn my secret weapon to getting over 1,600 quality, 1 way, SEO friendly links to my brand new websites in less than 1 month! Directory Submitter is an automated SEO software program created by Internet marketing expert, Brad Callen, and the good folks at Bryxen Software, Inc. They made the standard version FREE so you can try it out and see the results before you upgrade to pro, which I personally think is very cool of them. Check it out and I think you'll be very surprised and impressed when you visit the website and watch the demo video and read all of the user comments . . . Click Here for Your FREE Directory Submitter Software

2) Article Submitter - Here again we have another great automated SEO software application created by Internet marketing expert, Brad Callen, and the good folks at Bryxen Software, Inc. And they made the standard version of this one FREE also, for the same reason stated above. And  Article Submitter works in the same way as Directory Submitter in that it allows you to automatically submit your articles to hundreds of article directories with a mere few mouse clicks . . . I could go on and on about this software offer, but I know that you would be better off getting started by Clicking Here for your FREE Article Submitter . . .

And finally, there is also one software program that has an initial, one-time investment of only $97.00, which almost immediately enables you to set up a FREE advertising campaign (i.e., in about an hour, depending on how fast you read and take action) that only requires a few minutes a day maintenance per campaign once started (i.e., just a few clicks of your mouse). And each FREE advertising campaign can drive massive hordes of highly targeted visitors to whatever website(s) you are promoting with it. You can get a FREE audio ebook that will tell you all about it by clicking here . . .

This software is available from Stephan Ducharme, the "Free Ad Guru!" He went from total obscurity up to a famous Internet millionaire in a matter of only a few weeks. And now you can listen to exactly how he did it in this FREE audio ebook . . . So make sure to grab your copy today! And if you like what you hear in the FREE audio ebook -- Then you can purchase this software like I did! It truly is amazing just how easy it is to use his methods and software, and I'm sure you'll agree and be thoroughly impressed like I was, once you listen to the FREE audio ebook ! ! !

Well, my friend, it's getting late here in Florida--it's a few minutes before 5 AM now--and I have a couple of other things to do before I go to bed, so I'm going to wrap this one up and go join Residual Victory as mentioned...

But before I end, please understand that this is NOT a comprehensive listing of my FREE advertising arsenal, just a few of them in fact. If you'd like to find out more about the other FREE advertising systems that I'm using, and me too for that matter, then either send me a message via Adland Pro messaging (click here to visit my profile page), or visit my websites where you can find multiple ways to contact me, along with further information on my FREE advertising methods as well. Not to mention that you will see them in action right before your very eyes . . .

In the meantime, I sincerely hope that these recommendations I've made to you today help you in your own Internet marketing efforts! And God Bless YOU & YOURS!

Best Regards,

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