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Holly Whitty

19 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
My Power Mall
6/23/2007 3:43:50 PM

One of my greatest joys is to give away FREE Power Malls. Over 13,000 churches, schools and individuals have joined! I hope you accept my gift to you. We are still at the ground floor and getting larger every second of every day. Don't miss out, hurry check us out.

To check it out, please go to:

Just go there now - check it out - I am sure if you are not a member (FREE) yet you will become a member. We are not asking you to spend anything extra everymonth. All we a suggesting is that instead of you haveing to fight traffic, buy gas, wait in long lines, suffer through the heat and pay extra money for food for lunch while you are out just take a spin in your very own Power Mall and get the things you need from the comfort of your own home. Check it out and see for yourself all the amazing stores we have and that it really is true that if you choose you will never have to leave your house again. Good luck and God Bless. Hurry what are you waiting for?
Holly E. Whitty