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Nick Grimshawe

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Friday's Beautiful Summer Morning Inspirational Quote of the Day
6/22/2007 12:25:15 AM

From the state of a man's heart proceed the conditions of his life; his thoughts blossom into deeds and his deeds bear the fruitage of character and destiny.

Source James Allen, As a Man Thinketh

I had time, this morning, to sit and contemplate the magic of these words. "From the state of a man's heart proceed the conditions of his life;" Powerful words, and a great starting point for a personal journey of discovery. Just what is the state of my heart? From that state came my existing condition.
So to go where I want to go, I need to change the state of my heart. How? Now you are on your journey.

A weekend is a great time to get away from your daily, weekday routine, and find a separate place where you can take the time to merely sit, contemplate, and reflect; even if the demands of family crowd around.

You will be better for the time, be it an hour , an afternoon, or treasure of treasures, a whole day. Your family will thank you.

Have a grand weekend. See you on Monday morning, with a smile on your face, and ready to, once again, charge the barricades.

From my heart to your heart,

Nick Grimshawe
Beautiful Summer Morning.Com

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