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Michael Brock

57 Posts
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Have YOU Heard About Affiliate KB Yet?! It's FREE & Very Cool!
6/15/2007 5:01:44 PM
Hi Adland Pro Friends,

It is actually called Affiliate KB (Knowledge Base): Your Sherpa Guide to the Mountain of Affiliate Marketing

This is a relatively new site, but the founder/owner, Mark Daoust, is not new to the Internet or running successful websites (e.g., he started Site Reference @

The really cool thing is that it's a FREE website that offers up top quality information on affiliate marketing in the form of articles written by various experts in the field, covering every possible niche you could imagine. It also has interviews with these experts, wherein they get to the point very quickly and don't hold anything back!

Not to mention that Mark has even integrated a way for YOU to make money with this already valuable (but FREE) resource. He has ingeniously combined the site with relevant ClickBank ads throughout. So if you are a ClickBank affiliate and join Affiliate KB and recommend it to your friends and contacts, then you can make money.

Affiliate KB is really cool and innovative IMHO! Indeed, it's surprising to me that this site is free, but it is nonetheless. Affiliate KB quickly became one of my favorite sites after joining!

Here's a link so you can learn more about it and consider it for inclusion to your list of favorite sites too:

Affiliate KB (Knowledge Base): Your Sherpa Guide to the Mountain of Affiliate Marketing

To YOUR success and God less YOU and YOURS!

Best Regards,

