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Lisa Sorensen

10 Posts
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Personal from Lisa, NOT an Ad! Let's Connect and be "Real".
6/13/2007 5:49:23 AM

These posts can be so impersonal.

Sometimes it's nice to know that you're dealing

with a real person, right?

I'd like to take this opportunity to get to know you.

I have questions, as I'm sure you do.

Here's some of my questions, let me know if I'm

being too nosey,lol!

I'd like to know how long you've been online,
do you consider yourself a "newbie" or do you
know your way around?

Do you believe you can make money from home
using your PC and the internet? Have you before?

Do you want to make money from home on the internet,
but don't know where to start?

Would you like me to personally mentor you,
teach you, and spend time helping you?

I'd love to hear back from you, the sooner the better!

I DO read my email and I DO love to help people.

I came from the very bottom of the bottom.
I had nothing but a PC and an internet connection
when I started searching for ways to earn money online.

I was a housekeeper, millworker, waitress, you know the story.
Manual labor. It was killing my body and my spirit. I knew there
was something more to life than just working for someone else.

So, I came online.

I didn't have good credit. I'd lived a pretty rough life and ruined
all that. I didn't have extra cash to throw around trying everything
out. I had to start with very little money and I had to learn how
to do everything by asking questions or spending hours trying to
figure it all out myself.

I can show you what I've learned over the years,
I'd love to share it with you if you want it.

Today I do this full time and I love it.
I can go to my son's games, go to the doctor,
take a break when I want to, and a lot more.

The freedom of working at home from your PC
is exhilerating.

Let's chat. Tell me about you since I've now
practically written a book about me, lol.

Lisa Sorensen
541-536-8331 PST after 1pm please:-)

I really do want to hear from you.
I'll be waiting for your reply.
My name is Lisa Sorensen. I've been successfully marketing online now for about ten years. I love it! I CANNOT even imagine what it would be like to have a "brick and mortar" job. Ewww. Come visit me at "The Pulse of Intern
Thinh Du

800 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Re: Personal from Lisa, NOT an Ad! Let's Connect and be "Real".
6/13/2007 10:44:14 AM

Hi Lisa







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