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The Drummerboy

1069 Posts
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How's that goin for ya?
5/30/2007 7:39:46 PM
How's that goin for ya?

Have you ever made your living at marketing?  FULLTIME?

Most Networkers have not.  Most the people I've met over the years don't even make enough from their business to pay thier car payment!  IF THAT!

Well my friends.....I have found the solution to the most common problem in the Network Marketing Industry.  It's called The Berry Tree

The Berry Tree is the brainchild of Nutronix International, an already succesful debt-free corporation......and a very exclusive professional marketing firm called Horizons Marketing.  Together, they have created a company that has a marketing plan that is so unique.......THERE'S A PATENT-PENDING ON THE MARKETING PLAN!

I can't reveal it all here.....but they (the pros @ Horizons Marketing) do all the advertising for you) and everyone......and I do mean EVERYONE get s paid!

To learn more about The Berry Tree and this revolutionary marketing PayPlan........please visit the link below.

~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!
