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Online Training or just Instructional Information.
5/16/2007 11:16:28 AM

Sometimes we wonder if what we see on the internet or receive via CD-ROM material are really online training or just instructional information.


To send someone an email, for example, with an attachment that contains a link to an “online training” video that turns out to be just some informative information, can be frustrating for many. We can remember from our earlier days on the internet, that when we just get a video that plays and tells us what to do, say or not, it did not train us in the professional sense of the word.


Another person who is online via “telephone conference” or “webcam” and such alike, while watching a training video will be in better position to submit and receive answers to questions or critical concerns he/she may have in this process. A follow-up and link-up would also be very encouraging or helpful. Certainly, organized bi-weekly or monthly online meetings a part of the ongoing training will be most welcome by those who are interested in what someone has to communicate. Real Online Trainers and Team Leaders know the value of this and that it helps a lot to achieve sustainable objectives…and profits.


So merely sending someone a “training video” or “online video” to view without any simultaneous link-up so they can ask questions and receive answers base on what they are currently watching, is not very effective. People prefer to be treated like “real people” with respect and sincerity towards their interest and concerns. A series of telephone discussions with all the interested parties will often be preferred than just sending a video by itself for the person to view, and incorrectly calling it “online training.”


Have a good day.

Mike TaylorAdvertising/Marketing Associate and General Articles Writer.

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