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The Drummerboy

1069 Posts
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Success doesn’t always come easy
5/15/2007 6:51:17 PM
Ya know.....Success doesn’t always come easy. Most of the truly successful people I know have a Cinderella story of some sort. The other day I was talking on the phone to a inet marketer friend of mine.....we were talking about our beginnings in this industry and how we each had HUGE obstacles to over come.

His story is pretty "cliche".... he was bankrupt and was living in a single room apartment up to his eyeballs in debt. And then he decided to change things. The story ends that Matt now has a 3 million dollar internet business.

Mine? A little more complex.....

In my experience, I’ve certainly had my share of hard times. And here are a few of the life lessons I have picked up along the way.

1) Hardship happens Your work at home business won’t always go smooth as a baby's behind! Tough times are where you will learn and grow the most! They are a vital part of the journey to success. Accept it and don’t dwell in it.

2) Look upwards when times are down You get more of what you focus on in life. If you keep focusing on what’s wrong, you’ll attract more of that in your life. Keep your chin up. Keep that vision of what DOES matter to you in your big bright future as motivation to keep you going. You need a really big reason “why” to help you get through the tough times.

3) Look for ways to make lemons out of lemonade Make the best of your situation. What can you learn from your mistakes? How can you grow personally from the situation? How can you use what you learned to make things even better? And the ultimate gift, how can you turn your hardship into a mission or service to help others overcome that same challenge?

In the movie The Secret, they talk about how whatever you think about most is what you attract into your life. So.....if all you think about all day is your problems? Guess what it is that you are attracting more of?


So.....when you are goin through a "rough spot" in life.....remember it is part of the process to better times....and it's only temporary. AND......unless you want more of the same - STOP THINKING ABOUT YOUR PROBLEM AND START FOCUSING ON THE SOLUTION!

Remember to think positive......and make it a great week!
~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!

Nick Grimshawe

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Re: Success doesn’t always come easy
5/15/2007 9:08:14 PM
Thanks Brian,

Those are great words of encouragement.

I have to say going through the tough times helped me mature . My biggest lesson is: just keep going. Sometimes you will feel there is no one on the other end of your computer that cares, no one who has an interest in your opportunity, but just keep going.

One day when you look up you will notice you have attracted a crowd, and they are all waiting to hear you speak.

You are a great role model.

With respect and admiration,

Nick Grimshawe

Nick Grimshawe Subscribe for Free at
The Drummerboy

1069 Posts
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Re: Success doesn’t always come easy
5/16/2007 7:43:36 PM
Hi Nick!

Thank you for the copliment....youa re too kind. 

And you are so right my friend!  "Just keep going!".....Ya know....I just may use that - with giving you credit for the quote of course.....

You are so right.....sometimes we all have felt that there is no one on the other end....we want so much for everyone to be as excited about our business as we are.  But you just have to keep going....

Thank you for contributing Nick!  I'm sure there are a lot of ALP people who needed to hear that just now!

~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!

Dawn Anderson

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Re: Success doesn’t always come easy
5/18/2007 7:54:49 PM

Thanks Brian,

Words to live by...

Never give up!


Dawn Aloette Skin Care & Cosmetics