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Thomas Richmond

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Key To Growth
5/15/2007 11:09:15 AM

Hi yall, hows the day going for you? wanted to share again that i think would be influencial in your walk with God. 1.) One of the things that all Christians need to be conserned about is their own personal spiritual growth. Why is submission such an important attitude to have in order for growth to take place? What will happen to the person who is unsubmissive? 2.) Read Luke 2:51-52. Then go to Hebrews 5:7-9. How did Jesus learn what he learned? 3.) What are some things that you are sure that God wants you to be learning right now, and how will a submissive attitude toward others help you to learn these things? 4.) Do you feel like you have a rebellious or unsubmissive attitude about everything in your life at the present time? The tenor of God's word would strongly encourage you to open all that up to someone so you can more quickly deal with it and put it behind you. A rebellious attitude will destroy spiritual growth.

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