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Tanya V.

683 Posts
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Great News! We have a Grandson! =)
5/6/2007 10:48:25 PM

Well... it happened! Hubby and I became grandparents at 6:59 pm on 4/20/07 to a handsome grandson named James Landy.

He arrived weighing 9 lbs 6 oz and measuring 21 1/2 inches long. He's a big boy!

Joy and excitement barely express how we're feeling.

Welcome baby James Landy! =)

Thomas Richmond

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Re: Great News! We have a Grandson! =)
5/6/2007 10:58:04 PM

How how cute is he? Well Congratulations there grandma! Lol. Another Joy added to this world. What a Miracle!! Enjoy that time together my friend. And Congrats to the proud parants too!! Have a great week ahead. God_bless

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Tanya V.

683 Posts
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Re: Great News! We have a Grandson! =)
5/6/2007 11:17:18 PM
Thank you Thomas!

We are all so blessed to have this little guy.  My cup runneth over!

Wishing you a fabulous week too!  :)

Phillip Black

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Re: Great News! We have a Grandson! =)
5/6/2007 11:32:42 PM

Hi Tanya,

Thanks for sharing this wonderful news.  He is a handsome young fellow and yes, he is well on his way in the growth department.  Since I weighed in at 12 lbs 7 oz at birth, I am quite familiar with that department.

Enjoy this special little gift from God and may he be blessed with good health and abundant happiness throughout his lifetime.

Here's a little something to pass on to Mommy, but it's also for GrandMommies too.

Bless You My Friend,



“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Tanya V.

683 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Re: Great News! We have a Grandson! =)
5/6/2007 11:45:05 PM
Hi Phil!

That is absolutely beautiful!  I'm sending the link to my daughter.

BOY... you were a big baby.  I know what my daughter went through, so your Mom is a champ!  I can't wait to see how James grows.

We look forward to the many blessings.  James' arrival is just the beginning.

Thank you Phil!  :)
