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Thomas Richmond

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"United with Christ" a lesson .... Happy Cinco de-Mayo
5/5/2007 3:29:22 PM
Just got out of a meeting today with my SEO Sitewizard , cooked some lunch and found some of you wanting to know more of "Grace" well i have another lesson on that called Being "United with Christ".  1.) Read Acts 2:36-38 and the Romans 5:20- 6:7.  2.) Does baptism look like something that merits you salvation or is it the way God tells us to say "yes" to his grace, which we could never merit?  3.) Write down what Romans 6 is saying to you in your baptism by the grace of God. 4.) How does what happened (what God did) need to effect your attitude toward sin? 5.) What is wrong with saying "lets continue in sin so grace can abound?"
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