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Venerina Conti

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Re: Edgar Cayce and the Transpersonal World
5/6/2007 7:49:35 AM

Bonjour Sarah,

Comment allez vous?

I am glad you enjoyed the post.  There are a few more books one can read on Edgar Cayce and plenty of websites with articles about him.

He was a fascinating man and, probably, the most prominent when there is mention of the transpersonal world.

Take care and have a wonderful sunday



Venerina Conti

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Re: Edgar Cayce and the Transpersonal World
5/6/2007 7:55:09 AM

My dear beautiful sis ... Jill

Thank you for your beautiful comment ... Actually this is one of the articles that got me yet another "A" ...

I find Edgar Cayce to be a fascinating man who paved the way for us all in such a way that was truly amazing for his time.  We have to remember that he wrote during the 40s when understanding certainly wasn't as it is today.

I agree with you, mentality is changing, albeit I think it is going at a pace much slower than we would like. 

On a more personal note ... I am trying to get out to US for the end of July.  I am hoping that you will be my guide to Mount Shasta ... Somehow, I can't find it within me to come all that way and not get a peak of the realm of Lemuria...

Love and hugs



Michael Caron

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Re: Edgar Cayce and the Transpersonal World
5/17/2007 9:43:58 PM

 Walking Garbage CanHi Venerina,

  Edgar Cayce was a man way beyond his time.  I had read several books about the"Sleeping Prophet" and one thing always stood out in my mind.  As you pointed out, he had many skeptics calling him all sorts of names and denouncing his abilities.  Edgar never jumped on any Band Wagon and said "Here I Am."  He was a very gentle, simple man that sought to help people.  There were many times that he would not accept payment for his help.  He was just happy to help people.  I believe I read six to eight books pertaining to Edgar Cayce.  I am glad that you put this forum up because you might say that he was my hero.  There was one account when a group of scientists that did not believe in his powers set up an experiment.  It was somewhere in New York in a High Rise building. (You know exactly what I'm referring to) Edgar reclined on a bed or couch, all windows were closed, and I believe nailed shut, and when Edgar fell into an uncontious state, his body levitated, went through the window without breaking the glass, and floated to the next window in a different apartment, and settled in a bed or couch in that apartment.  When he awoke, he had no idea that he had been transported from one room to the next.  Even though there were several witnesses that observed this phenomenon from beginnig to end, and passerbys on the streets below pointed towards the floating being there were still those that claimed that it was all a hoax.  Edgar Cayce proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that all things were possible and that the human mind as well as body can and does travel to different plains.  Although many accounts were written about this man, I don't believe he ever received a single penny in royalties or anything else.  His story about Atlantis, as you know, was followed by a partial revelation that what happened to Atlantis will happen again.  He always stressed the point that we must live according to God's Will.  Edgar was an intriguing yet simple person.  He did not like people fussing over him, he did not take credit for his powers claiming that it was God's Will not his own, and he often did not know what had occured during his unconcious state. 

  The transcendental world is very, very real, however one must be extremely careful in how they put it to use.  Many of Edgars readings did not make sense at the time, however if you were to gather all of his readings and predictions from the forties you will find that Edgar Cayce was the only person in history that was DEAD on in every single prediction he ever made.  Up until and including IRAQ.

  Thank you so much for this.  Hopefully this will inspire those that had not heard about Edgar Cayce before this to read up on this Gentle Giant.


Mike Easter Cross 

P.S.  The next E.I.A. Awards Show will be the end of October, but there will be a show in California.


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