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Thomas Richmond

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5/1/2007 12:29:01 PM

Hey, whats up, wanna know how to change your heart in a good way?Good! Lol.  Well as i progress with my own heart in my daily life with the right tools from a spiritual perspective, i learn from these great examples. 1.) All the great men and woman in th Scriptures has to deal with their hearts, but no one shares his heart with us and his struggle for purity of heart more than David. Psalm 32 and Psalm 51 were written by David and will be important in this week's study. Read them both carefully at this time. Make notes on those verses that seem most significant. 2.) From these Psalms we can learn valuable lessons about how to come to purity of heart and how to keep the heart pure. a) We must be willing to face our sin honestly and admit to ourselves what it is (51:3). b) We must be broken over that sin (take seriously its effects) (51:17). c) We must be willing to confess that sin (32:3-5).  d) We must be willing to accept forgiveness, once broken (32:11,51:12-16). 3.) Why can no one have and keep a pure heart without dealing with sin in a biblical way? An added exerpt-

There are dozens of reasons we don't get along with each other - with the sin of pride right at the top of the list. But I think another huge reason we fail to live in authentic, consistent, committed Christian community is because it's too hard.

It requires real effort to work through our differences, to remain transparent and honest, to confront and to pay close attention to each other. Frankly, it's easier to keep relationships superficial, to "demonize" one another when we don't agree, to cut and run at the first sign of trouble rather than commit to each other.

Yet God placed within us a need for "stick-with-it" commitments; his commitment to us is unbreakable, and he wants to see us extend the same commitment to each other (2 Corinthians 8:5). But this kind of commitment takes time - something that has become far too scarce in our lives today (and that, my friend, is a choice).

God knows we will live in a healthy, Christian community if we will commit to living our lives together beyond our weekly meetings, if we will make each other a priority - sharing our lives over coffee, after work, at the ballpark, in the hospital.

The only way for us to become a "friend who sticks closer than a brother" (Proverbs 18:24) is when we focus on the quality of our relationships, not mere quantity or mere acquaintances.

"You can develop a healthy, robust community that lives right with God and enjoy its results only if you do the hard work of getting along with each other, treating each other with dignity and honor." (James 3:18 MSG, Emphasis mine)

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Diane Bjorling

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5/1/2007 2:20:26 PM

Dear Thomas..i heartily have a healthy relationship does require an effort to be there and commit..too often we get so involved with everything else we forget to feed  the  hearts of those we love..too may get their priorities mixed up..i feel fairly safe in saying that is not what God intended..but you are the expert...i am just a person who sees things from maybe a different viewpoint..but then again..i have seen relationship disintegrate because they did not take care of their hearts in so many ways..we have forgotten the importance of taking care and heed of those we love..all for the wrong reasons..a good lesson to remember isnt it???

I also agree that quality is more important than quantity.. honour and respect..truth and honesty..sharing and caring..and being there for eachother...

the only way to be...

