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Linda Harvey

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Xooma ! Refresh and hydrate yourself !
4/27/2007 2:45:53 PM
Doctor's Viewpoint of X2O Xooma ! Written by: Glenn A. Thomas, M.D. I recently came across an amazing product that is so very basic and essential, literally everyone should be on this product! I though you, or someone you know, might be interested and curious about it. It is called Xooma or Extreme X20 and is derived from pre-ionized Coral Calcium which when added to the water of your choice will lower the surface tension (make the water more "wettable"), add needed essential minerals in a highly absorbable form that is often missing from our diets, and finally changes the pH of the water from about 7.0 to about 9.9. Hydrate, Mineralize, & Revitalize with X2O! I like this product; I have found the Coral Calcium product to enhance the absorption of other nutritional products as well. I am curious to know your thoughts!! What are the benefits of Xooma and why do I need it? The water you drink gets inside your body, but often stays outside of your cells instead of getting into your cells (intra-cellularly) where it belongs. Xooma lowers the surface tension of the water making it much more "wet". This allows the water to more freely enter inside the cells where it belongs and properly hydrate the body. As you know, many of our farmlands have been overcropped and the land has not been rested as wisely recommended in the Bible in the Old Testament and confirmed by farmers and horticulturists throughout the ages. As a result, many of our foods are minerally depleted. To combat this, most of us take nutritional supplementation in the form of a multi-vitamin and multi-mineral, but it often fails to be absorbed completely. Most forms of calcium, for instance, are absorbed only at about 5-7%, whereas Xooma's calcium is absorbed at about 67%!! Xooma insures that all of your essential minerals will be absorbed into your body in a form and with a high enough absorption rate to actually benefit the body as you intended. Minerals are just as important as vitamins for energy and longevity!! (Xooma has additional benefits of even neutralizing excess chlorine and fluorine found in most tap water as well as the dangerous byproducts of chlorine--the chloramines). Finally, most all food that we ingest in the Standard American Diet (SAD) are highly acidic in nature. This includes refined sugar, both refined and even unprocessed grains, several different nuts, meats, dairy, and condiments, and many seeds. For the most part, only certain nuts, sprouted grains, and raw fruits and vegetables are alkaline to the body. Also in the course of a stressful day, many of us do not breath deeply enough which lowers the oxygen content of our blood and creates an additional acidic load on the body (respiratory acidosis). Both cancer as well as bacterial, viral, and fungal infections cannot exist or thrive in an alkaline environment. Believe me, you want your body in a more alkaline state for optimum health!! Fortunately, Xooma dramatically combats and helps raise the pH of the body by substantially raising the pH of the water it is added to. This dramatically helps reverse the tendency to an acidic internal environment that nearly all of us have! That sounds great! Now how do I take Xooma? Xooma comes in a small tea-bag or sache that may be added to the water of your choice usually in one quart or liter amount--with bottled, tap, or purified water. I personally prefer to add Xooma to purified water. Purified water has the advantage of removing dangerous nitrates--often leaching into the water table from fertilizers from farming and our lawns, organic solvents and chemicals that are usually carcinogenic (cause cancer) --including MTBE found in gasoline that also often leaks into the water table, and heavy metals (lead, arsenic, mercury, and others that you definitely do not want in your body!). The trouble is that all the healthy minerals are also removed in the process of purification. In time, drinking purified water without the minerals added, forces the minerals inside your cells to come out which then depletes all of the cells of their needed minerals. Since your cells are coated with a "semi-permeable membrane" it has to, as a natural course, allow the minerals or ions to cross to either side to equalize the mineral content on both sides of your cells (intra-cellularly and extra-cellularly) for both electrical and ion balance. Since the purified water has little mineral or ion content, the minerals in the cells will have a gradient or drive to go out of the cells through their cell membranes to an area of lesser ion or mineral concentration. The bottom line is, you have no pollutants with purified water, but your cells are losing their minerals. By adding Xooma to purified water, you get the best of both worlds: highly absorbable essential minerals without the additional pollutants that the purification has removed. That all makes sense, but can I afford Xooma?! Yes you can!! Xooma is extremely affordable. You can get started with as little as a $25.00 order shipped monthly (There are also $50 and $100 orders for couples or families). This cost less than 6 cups of coffee per month at Starbucks!! Besides, coffee acts as a diuretic (water pill) and will dehydrate your body. Why not treat your body right and adequately hydrate, properly mineralize, and alkalize it?!! Since you can afford this so easily, probably other people you know can as well! That makes Xooma one of the easiest home based businesses that I have ever seen. I know this sounds crazy, but everyone I knew of that was on Xooma told me the same thing--the business practically grows itself--not usually the case in most home-based businesses and besides, a nice extra stream of income certainly never hurts!! I like everything I heard so far, so now how do I get Xooma? That's easy, just go to my website at (see link referral information below)and click on the Join Xooma Now icon at the top right side of the home page screen and complete the simple application form. You can even have your own free Xooma website up and running in only 10 minutes after your application is submitted--how's that for ease and efficiency?!! I hope you found this as interesting to learn about (and use) as I have! If this is not for you, please feel free to send it on to a friend, relative, or acquaintance that you think might benefit!! Have a terrific day and God bless! Written by: Glenn A. Thomas, M.D. Hydrate, Mineralize, & Revitalize with X2O!
Terry Gorley

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Re: Xooma ! Refresh and hydrate yourself !
4/27/2007 6:13:05 PM

Hello Linda,

Its great to have you on our Team.  Thank you for posting this wonderful article by Dr. Thomas.  I had just read it in Joe's forum.  What I wrote is below.



Hydrate, Mineralize, & Revitalize with X2O!


Hello Joe,

I just read Dr Thomas' viewpoint on X2O and all I can say is WOW!  He has covered all the bases with his article from cost to the benefits.  Most importantly the health benefits. 

In the past few months, I had learned myself about the difference of being acidic or alkaline and what a person needs to do to change it.

What most people don't understand is that everyday living, foods and beverages we consume attribute to our being acidic.  Which in turn leads to poor health and disease. 

I am grateful for finding X2O.  It takes the guess work out of it.  It tastes great, its affordable and has the ability to create a residual income too.  I don't believe a person could ask for more.

Thank you for introducing me to this terrific product.




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Terry Gorley

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Re: Xooma ! Refresh and Hydrate Yourself !
4/28/2007 9:35:39 AM
Why Your Body May Be Running On Empty?
Did you know?

• Dehydration is a primary reason for daytime fatigue and can slow down your metabolism as much as 3%
• Just a 1%-2% drop in body water can impair your mental focus, concentration, and physical performance.
• Beverages that contain caffeine such as colas, coffee, or tea actually stimulate fluid loss and promote dehydration.
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