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The Drummerboy

1069 Posts
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7 Truths of Network Marketing
4/26/2007 11:12:07 AM
7 Truths of Network Marketing

A wise man once defined success as a refined study of the

How true. Most of what we need to know, say, and do to
achieve mastery in Network Marketing could be easily
taught and understood by a 12 year old.

Why then are we making this business so difficult?

Let's agree to start teaching The Seven Truths of Network
Marketing to those who actually want to create their own
destiny, and leave the rest of the world alone.

After all, we're involved in a great industry, with
wonderful people, offering unprecedented opportunity.  
And we should be proud to speak the truth....

1) Network Marketing is a business,  A REAL BUSINESS.
 (Now over 60 YEARS OLD.)

Network marketing is a unique form of enterprise, and
you've got to understand the game you're playing.
Therefore, mentally consume every page of your
distributor manual, online or the day it arrives. Listen
to your audio training programs again, and again, and
again.  Like a song on the radio, you master the words by
hearing the music one more time.

2) Freedom by the numbers.

Understand the numbers, and your compensation plan. Start
by involving two, three or five people-whatever number of
legs and leaders your plan dictates-and go to work.  By
your second year, the commissions paid on your invested
efforts could well equal a mid six-figure annual income.
After that, the sky's the limit.

3) Attend at least one Internet/Conference calla week.

The weekly presentation is part of the process.  You need
to be in attendance every call-to hear the presentation
again. Remember the music? You need the association, and
the environment to showcase your company for your
prospects. True, not everyone attending every meeting
earns $10,000 a month. However, everyone earning $10,000
a month attends every meeting.  Now that's a refined
study of the obvious.

4) Work only one company!

Leaders understand this truth, because no man or woman
can serve two masters. Don’t be a "JACK of ALL TRADES
. . . MASTER of NONE!"

5) Have a compelling, written "Why?"

Success in Network Marketing is 20% how to, and 80% why
to... The best part is, if your reasons are strong enough
you'll learn everything you need to know along your

6) Invest in yourself first.

Some people are trying to earn an exceptional wage, using
an ordinary education.  It can't be done.  If you want to
earn more, you've got to learn more. Therefore, read all
the books, attend all the classes, and learn everything
you possibly can.

7) Decide in writing and you'll be there a year from now.

Long-term written goals possess the power to pull you
right to the top of your company.  Put your dreams for
your future on paper, and begin building your life of

"If you want this thing to work, you've got to work this
thing you want."

REMEMBER: "If it is TO BE! . . . IT’S UP TO ME!"

The Best minute you may ever SPEND, is the one you INVEST

GIVE a man a fish and you FEED him for A DAY! . . .
BUT, TEACH a man to fish and you FEED him for a LIFETIME!

~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: 7 Truths of Network Marketing
4/26/2007 12:27:04 PM
Hello Brian,

Thank you for sharing this information and good

Kind regards

Neil Reinhardt

1314 Posts
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Re: 7 Truths of Network Marketing
4/26/2007 4:08:40 PM
Yes Brian, While I thank you for inviting me to your forum and while you have provided some great information, you are incorrect about your #4 and it is NOT a "truth". (And while you will most probably delete my comment as you have in the past, I'll try to post this.) Facts are, I have not only been in the industry longer than you have been alive, I have also studied/researched it as well as knowing some of the legends in it. Plus, Len Clements, the worlds single MOST knowledgeable person on MLM and I are good friends. Thus, I do KNOW of what I speak. BEFORE the internet made it much easier to do, 43% of ALL Active MLM distributors & nearly ALL of the "Heavy Hitters" in the industry worked MORE than one program at the SAME time! And since the internet has made it MUCH easier to do, the percent of ALL ACTIVE ((Meaning people who know what they are doing and do it on a regular basis.)) and probably 99.9% of all the "Heavy Hitters" work MORE than just one program at the SAME time! (And MANY of them work three, four or more, programs.) Please, Take Care! Neil
This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says: For a simple, inexpensive, and great tasting, way to earn money, click here: ----------------------- -------------------- And for a progam which is better than most mlm's I know of
The Drummerboy

1069 Posts
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Re: 7 Truths of Network Marketing
4/27/2007 11:36:08 AM
Hi Neil!  :-)

Thank you for stopping in and sharing your opinion with us all.  And prior deletions of any of your previous posts were due to either your language - or your demeanor.  This last post of yours is more respectful - and I (as well as others) do appreciate and respect that.  Thank you.

And thank you for sharing with us your extensive successful experience in this industry.  Sounds like you are rubbing elbows with the right people too......that's always a plus.  We should all take note - and learn from people like yourself.

And you are very correct in what you say.  Perhaps I should have been more clear in my statement.

  • Most successful Network Marketers are in more than one program.  In fact - thats usually how they got where they are.  
  • Most of them also blast out ads to 20,000 leads every single day.  (wish I had that kind o advertising budget) 
  • Most of them are team leaders within their company and were most likely there @ or near the start of the company.
  • Most of them own their own leads company - some own more than 1!  How would you like to have your own leads company getting an unlimited amount of you'd get your pick of the crop!

Now with all of that said.....please let me clarify a bit about what I was trying to convey about #4.

The truth in only working one program lies with working on one program at a time.  Having some sort of focus.  I have always been an advocate of utilizing multiple streams of income.  It's just good business sense.

Ever know of someone who has been a part of a company who went bust.....and lost their entire income?  If not, now you do.  I was one such person when Excel got snowed under by the big boys.  But thats another story.  If I had - had another business - I would have still had money coming in.  But there I was.....

Multiple streams of income?  YES!  But not to the extent where it makes you look like a watch peddler in Harlem.

Another thing is that if you had some new recruits.....would you like for them to put their money and energy into building the program they are in with you?  Or do you want someone who is out there trying to promote 20 programs all @ once?

My thing is this:  if someone hasn't learned how to sucessfully make a full-time income with 1 program.....why would they think they could do it with 5, 10, or 20 different ones?

Being successful in any company is a process.  There is a system, or a "cycle" of success that once found......can be duplicated almost without effort into every other business or program that one could get into.

But until one finds that for themself?  I do not recommend working more than 1 business.

~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!
