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Las Ratnayake

343 Posts
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Secrets of Squidoo!
4/16/2007 8:49:43 PM
Hi everybody,

I have just setup a lens on Squidoo.
Its a very powerful site.

My friend Kathy Hamilton introduced me to the site.
Look at the lens that Kathy Created:

Kathy created the post in 10 mins.
Squidoo is a very powerful system, as it allows you to setup a site with links to your blogs or websites and giving you links to Amazon, Ebay etc.

Have a look at my site. It took me more than 10 mins!

So why build a lens?

  • The Best Reason to Build a Lens - It's about the community
  • The Second Best Reason to Build a Lens It's easy No IT department. No programming. No credit cards.
  • The Third best reason - You can generate income and traffic.  This is probably the best reason! Here's what Tiffany Dow did. Tiffany Dow has built several lenses, most of them about her various information entrepreneur endeavors. As a direct result of her work with Squidoo, she's reported making thousands of dollars so far. She's even written an ebook about it.
  • The Fourth best reason - You can raise money for charity. There are dozens of charities to choose from
  • The Fifth best reason - You get paid! You get paid everytime you introduce a friend. When your friend's lens earns its first $15, you AND your friend will each get $5, free! To have a go just fill out the form below.

I promise you, you will not be disappointed.  Squidoo allows you to setup an awesome website and allows you to promote your existing businesses and get links to any blogs, websites you have thus giving you better search engine rating.

Finally its free!


Las Ratnayake

Las R Heaven is so Real My Power Mall Send messages directly to 1000's of desktops. Invite me to be your friend.