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Thomas Richmond

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A Lesson in Marraige Relationships
4/11/2007 11:55:53 PM

Though i was Married once , someone tonight brought out a feeling in me that should be shared, i wish to express upon my thoughts to those of you who are having trouble in there Marraiges.  " Talk about your Feelings" Your goals, desires, dreams, frustrations, fears and anything else that really brings out your heart and inner convictions. For thos who find sharing at this level difficult, some specific excerses is to talk back through your lives together a year at a time. Anything you remember from the early years of your life is most likely remembered because it was associated with an emotional experiance, either positive or negative. Sharing these memorys together will bond you and increase your understanding and appreciation of your partner. Another exercise is to share with each other something you have never shared before. The more difficult it may be to share it, the more it will help the sharer and the marraige bond. Bottom line, learn to share your hearts together. Real intimancy is much more a matter of heart to heart than body to body.  Just what i think if i were married again. Take care. Love is you, you and me, love is knowing , we can be. excerpt- John Lennon

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Re: A Lesson in Marraige Relationships
4/19/2007 4:46:06 AM
Now that was insightful. I really appreciate that you're able to share your feelings, a lot of men shy away from that and even get upset if we try to get them to. And yes you're right about intimacy being more heart to heart than physical. I remember more about my husband bringing me coffee every morning for 23 years. That's what I call love, it's the little day to day things that make the difference. the little everyday things that are good about a marriage can often outweigh anything bad.

We take vows to love and cherish them even in the bad times, through sickness and in health for richer and poorer and until death. That's something a lot of people don't pay attention to this and they just rush into marriage thinking it's going to be a little heaven on earth, and it rarely ever turns out that way. When you marry you have to have a bond that lasts through all the hard times and work together for the common good of not just you and your spouse but also for any children you might have and on into their children too. It should never be taken lightly. And every single day of your life you have to work on it.

But if you commit to put God first and foremost in your life, he makes it a joy.
That's what a lot of people fail the most to do they let the day to day struggles turn them sour and angry at the ones they should be clinging to.


DID YOU KNOW? The U.S. Social Security Board reports that 85 out of 100 Americans reaching age 65 don't possess as much as $250. And only 2% are self-sustaining (the rest dependent on family, church, or the government)! Want to know what the "2-percenters" know that you don't?
Diane Bjorling

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Re: A Lesson in Marraige Relationships
4/19/2007 12:53:58 PM

My dear friend Thomas..Marriage encompasses many aspects not the least is sharing our hearts, our minds and yes the physical intimacy is as important as the rest.  When we share all of ourselves with our partner in life with total trust..honesty..a givng and accepting..then to me that is a true marriage.  Sharing our thoughts..our dreams and working on a common goal to be one with eachother..recognizing eachothers strengths, weaknesses and being life helpmates is both a pleasure and helps in creating a completness that will make one fly to the  I have found that especially today we do not make time for our partner..we are so busy with so many things that we neglect that which is one of the most imprtant relationships in our human lives.....and that my friend has destroyed so many blossoming marriages.  Add to that.. why I will never understand..we seem bent on changing our loves into something that is not recognizeable...and it is something I have learned the hard way..If we love somebody..why do we feel the overriding need to change that person..go figure..oh well

You have created a good topic here ..and I hope that many will share their thoughts and views

my best to you as always


Thomas Richmond

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Re: A Lesson in Marraige Relationships
4/19/2007 1:00:03 PM

Thank you Diane for your comments, as i am not married any more for reasons i couldn't help, i still know how to apply it to my relationship with God, except the physical part Lol. But never the less we should have that rejoicing in our hearts when we see God work within us.

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Kathy Hamilton

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Re: A Lesson in Marraige Relationships
4/19/2007 1:07:45 PM
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A marriage is an interpersonal relationship with governmental, social, or religious recognition, usually intimate and sexual, and often created as a contract.[1] The most frequently occurring form of marriage unites a man and a woman as husband and wife.[2][3] Other forms of marriage also exist; for example, polygamy, in which a person takes more than one spouse, is common in many societies.[4] Beginning in 2001, the legal concept of marriage has been expanded to include same-sex marriage in some jurisdictions.[5]

The reasons people marry vary widely, but usually include one or more of the following: the public declaration of love; the formation of a family unit; legitimizing sexual relations and procreation; legal, social and economic stability; and the education and nurturing of children.[6][7]

A marriage is often declared by a wedding ceremony,[8] which may be performed by a religious officiator, through a similar government-sanctioned secular officiator, or (in weddings that have no church or state affiliation) by a trusted friend of the wedding participants. The act of marriage usually creates obligations between the individuals involved, and in many societies, their extended families.

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