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The Drummerboy

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Understanding "The Secret" Joe Vitale
4/2/2007 11:48:30 AM

A Dynaminc New Twist on the
Power of Positive Thinking
(part 1)

By Dr. Joe Vitale

    A little more than a year ago, an Australian production company released "The Secret", a documentary created by Rhonda Byrne, a former television producer - about "The Law of Attraction."  According to this 'theory', people can create their own realitites through their thoughts.

    The Secret has become a self-help sensation across the globe!  More than 1.5 million DVD's have been sold and, in just 3 months - 1.75 million copies of the book - which was based on the movie itself have been sold.  Oprah Winfrey devoted 3 seperate braodcasts to The Secret......telling her audience that she had been living her whole life according to The Law of Attraction.....without even knowing it.

    Understanding The Law

    The idea that we attract things to ourselves with our thoughts might seem contoversial, but at a certain level, it's just common sense.

Is there any doubt that people who have positive thoughts about their careers are more likely to attract promotions and raises than those who think of their work as an unpleasant chore?  Or that people who have upbeat, positive attitudes about their fellow man are more likely to attract freinds than those who think everyone is against them?  Medical science has shown that patients who think they will recover are more likely to do so.  Yes, our thoughts DO unquestionably affect our world.

The law of attraction tkaes this a step further.  Our thoughts shape every aspect of our existince.  It isn't our boss, our family, bad luck or the economy that is holding us back - it's our own thoughts.  The idea is to awaken and take conscious control - choose what we want to have.  It's up to us tomake things right.

One Way It Worked For Me

    I always wanted to have an audio program in the famous Nightengale-Contant catalog of self-hypnosis audiotapes.  It's a roster of greats including Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Brian Tracy, and Wayne Dryer.  DEspite the fact that I always sent the editors of Nightengale-Contant my new books as soon as they were published.....I couldn't interst them in my work.

    But I didn't give up.  I simply held onto the dream, picturing my work in the catalog, and trusting that something would give sooner or later.  In the meantime.....I kept writing books that I hoped would inspire and help people.  One day, a man began sending me emails related to my book "There's a Customer Born Every Minute", based on P.T. Barnum's life.  I answered all his questions, glad to help.

    Eventually he sent me an E-mail that said "If you ever want your material considered by Nightengale-Contant, let me know.  I'm their marketing manager."

    I immediately sent him my books, which he loved.  He then proceeded to convince others at the catalog company to include my work.  It took 11 months, but Nightengale-Contant now carries my audiotape The Power of Outrageous Marketing, and it is a best-seller for them.

    This story illustrates many lessons.  One is the power of the internet - my contact found me at my Website.  Another ids that I was willing to be helpful to someone who wrote me out of the blue - if I had ignored his E-mail, I never would have found out where he worked.  Still another is the importance of having someone believe in you.  But certainly one key lesson is the true magic of the power of a dream.

Tommorrow.......Part 2 ---> The 5 Steps

Dr. Joe Vitale is the author of more than 20
books, including The Attractor Factor: 5 Easy
Steps for Creating Wealth (or anything else) from
the Inside Out
You can subscribe to his
FREE E-letter @

~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!

Jill Bachman

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Re: Understanding "The Secret" Joe Vitale
4/4/2007 10:25:05 PM

Hi Brian,

This is excellent and I love Joe Vitale..........he is a master.  I liked reading his story  :-)

Yes, The Secret has surely opened many doors, and it is wonderful seeing so many people pursuing this information.  A bit scary as it may be, we do indeed create our reality!

Thank for sharing as always.

Hugs, Jill


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