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Jean Marie

199 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
WOW - Almost There!
3/30/2007 6:46:38 PM

Hello, to all my friends & supporters!!

Thank you, thank you, & thank you yet again!  We're getting close to the goal & it's because of the support of family & friends!

My new donation total is $1,843.00 - that means there's only $357.00 left to go! It's simply grand that I have less than $500.00 remaining - it's been a long fundraising road, but we're almost there!  I have two more fundraising events coming up. WalMart-Palm Bay Road tomorrow, Saturday, 3/31; and WalMart-at Sarno&Wickham on Sunday, 4/8. My Mom & our dear friend, Norma will be helping me tomorrow at WalMart, standing outside the store selling lapel pins & T-shirts for donations.   Each day our fundraising deadline pulls closer, and I know for sure, I will make it across that finish line, just like I will cross the finish line after the 60 miles again this year! In all honesty, the walking is the easy part, it's the porta-potties, showering in tractor-trailers & sleeping on the ground in pup-tents that gets to you! 

Saturday is a cross-train day at 5am on the treadclimber, some free-weight work & then the fundraiser.  Sunday is a 15-mile causeway/beach walk.  Anyone in the area who would like to tag along, we meet at Front Street Park by the 192 Causeway at 5:15am & the walk starts at 5:30am.  We really appreciate the Starbucks pit stop at the 7 mile marker!

For those who have yet to do so, there is still time for you to donate, so please take the time to visit the website at:

and make a donation.  Even a $5.00 donation (that's about the price of a latte at Starbucks or less than lunch at McDonalds) helps.  The walkers in this event have a saying - 60 miles for the cure, one step at a time.  That also holds true for donations - every little bit counts!  The two million who will be diagnosed this year is two million too many, but we hold to our faith that the cure will be found, and we will continue to walk till that day comes. 

The T-shirt that I wear during training, fundraising & on the walk contains the names of who I am walking in honor and in memory of. Each week, this list gets longer. If you have a loved one whose name you'd like added to the list, just e-mail me at .

The list currently reads:

Walking Placard

I walk in support of survivors Jenifer Lee Diener, Teri MacLeod and Sandra Woolard and in memory of Carmella DelCorso, Priscilla Kosen, Neena Lou Summers, Priscilla Tighe, Susie Green, Jean Marie Lockhart, Barbara Scidone, Fern Lefebre, Sue Brey, Ruth Binnie, Alice Anderson, Lisa Harrison and Suzie MacKenzie

All donations are tax deductible and a copy of our 501c3 is available should you require a copy.

I am sure that many of you have many more e-mail contacts than I do.  I would deeply appreciate it if you could pass along this update!

It takes hope, courage, faith and love to battle this disease and to commit to this walk!  I can promise each of you that I will continue to walk until this disease is eradicated.

Keep smiling & keep the faith-the cure will be found!

Take care,





JeanMarie "May you live today from what you learned yesterday to achieve a better tomorrow"

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