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Terry Gorley

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St Patrick's Day
3/17/2007 12:17:14 AM
The Legend of St. Patrick
St. Patrick was a man of God
who came to Erin's land
With a loving prayer within his heart,
a shamrock in his hand.
He used the three-leafed shamrock
to help all the people see
How there could be three persons
in the Holy Trinity,
And the faith the Irish learned from him
today, can still be found -
A heritage as lovely
as the countryside around.
Personally, I don't believe in luck, but I love the shamrock and what it sybolizes anyway.
I believe whether something is "good" luck or "bad" luck depends on the individual person and situation.
I don't believe there is any such thing as good luck or bad luck. I believe "bad" luck is nothing more than an opportunity in disguise.
Just my thoughts!
Happy St. Patrick's Day To All!
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Terry Gorley

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Re: St Patrick's Day
3/17/2007 12:30:20 AM
Irish Blessings:
May you live as long as you want,
And never want as long as you live.
May the saddest day of your future be no worse
Than the happiest day of your past.
May the roof above us never fall in.
And may the friends gathered below it never fall out.
May you have warm words on a cold evening,
A full moon on a dark night,
And the road downhill all the way to your door.
May your pockets be heavy and your heart be light,
May good luck pursue you each morning and night.
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Diana Briere

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Re: St Patrick's Day
3/17/2007 1:54:06 AM

Hi Terry, Thank you for the blessings. My greatgrandmother Fanny Stephenson was an Irish lady and I wish I had the opportunity to have met her. I just realized today that her parents and brother were born in Ireland and she was born in Ont Canada. I still have a lot of info to find about her.

I love your sparkling picture. Where are you all finding these from? Well you take care and Happy St. Patricks Day To YOU.       From Diana

Joe Severa

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Re: St Patrick's Day
3/17/2007 3:00:37 AM
Hi Terry: So St. Patrick has convinced you to think of bad luck as an opportunity, eh? Well I could argue that premise with you forever, but I'm married to an Irish/Italian woman named Patricia, & before I met her, I had been engaged to another Patricia, who was also an Irish/European mix, so I was destined t/b Irish friendly in any event. I agree 100% with the "Together we achieve more" platitudes but right now my main networking program is being threatened by selfishness & greed, & since I'm ANA/DSHEA Certified since 4/98, my teammates are looking up to me for direction. For all of this t/b happening around St. Patrick's Day seems normal. When we lived in NYC, almost every St. Pat's parade was rained on, or the weather was extra foul. The day most always precedes April 15th, IRS & other state/local taxes are due, ROFLMBO! OK, 'nuff of that for today, Happy St. Pat's guys. Joe Severa, Owner Flexera Intl Ltd. Melbourne, Fla
Joe Severa, Owner Flexera Intl Ltd. ANA/DSHEA Certified
Terry Gorley

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Re: St Patrick's Day
3/17/2007 3:10:04 AM

Hello Diana,

Aren't we the crazy ones to be up at 1:00 am.  I was supposed to be in bed early!  Oh well ... maybe tomorrow night.

I love the graphics.  You can get them from glitter graphics.  I'm not sure of the exact link off hand, but can send it to you.

My hubby does Genealogy ... that may be spelled wrong ... getting to tired to think clearly!  Anyway, his research has taken him back to the 1700's in Ireland.

He has his own saw filing shop that he calls Shamrock Saw & Tool.  Occasionally he has a leprauchaun on his shoulder too!

Enjoy your weekend!



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