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INDOOR air more toxic than outside!
3/12/2007 10:16:16 PM

A study conducted by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) showed that "a number of homes had chemical levels that were seventy times higher inside the homes than outside!" 

How can that be?  Well, one reason is because of all of the household and personal care products we buy from the retailers contain undisclosed harmful toxic chemicals and they can be released during use and even during storage!  So, who is most likely to be breathing all these harmful toxins day in and day out?  Stay at home moms and their children!

'In 1989 the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health analyzed 2,983 chemicals used in personal care products.'  That would be our toothpaste, deoderant, hair care, lotions, creams, etc. 'Of those 2,983 chemicals - 884 of the ingredients were found to be toxic!  Of those 778 can cause acute toxicity, 146 can cause tumors, 218 can cause reproductive complications, 314 can cause biological mutations and 376 can cause skin and eye irritations.'

WOW, now if that isn't enough to make you want to change your products, I don't know what is!  As far as I'm concerned, I wasn't about to continue to expose myself or my family to these harmful chemicals.  It's no wonder the grocery store aisle with all the household products stinks!

I switched stores and so can you!


Re: INDOOR air more toxic than outside!
3/14/2007 4:20:02 PM

hello angie my name is greta where else do you promote or educate about toxins?

here is a blog spot I use


check this site out below

post a free business profile with your photo.

need opportunity leads?

greta kaveny