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I like this Forum Lakiesha, it makes a lot of sense
2/20/2007 4:53:23 PM

Oh yes,

Well, I want to talk to you about 4Life Research and the Transfer Factor.

4Life is my primary or the business that I put above the rest. I just want to tell you a little about my personal experience. I have been marketing this product for only a few months. I need to tell you that the products are everything they say they are. I mean that, the products speak for themselves.

If you're even interested in your real health issues, you would want to try this product. Do you know that 4Life is the only program also that will allow you some time to make up your mind on how you would try these products. you have the option of requesting your preferred customer number from me to purchase your product on discount from the company. If you decide later that you would like to purchase the distributor kit, you can. All you have to do is leave me a message with your telephone number attached. Write down the product information, like the order number and the name of the product or products from my sites. You would be checking out the information on the sites without any involvement or obligation to input any of your info first hand. I will confirm this with my sponsor, who would need to talk with you so that I can't make too many mistakes with your approval. My sponsor's name is Kathleen and she is a master at this. She knows a lot about 4Life being in the business for over 15 years. So I won't have the chance to give you the wrong information. This is important because we want you to have the right information and we also want you to see how very special the Transfer Factor molecule really is. By becoming a preferred customer you will experience the product at a discount. You have the option of purchasing your distributor kit at a later. This gives you the power of making your decision without feeling pressured at all. Gives plenty of time to try any or all the products whenever you choose. So, let's get that telephone number so that you can get started.

I have taken the product RioVida and this is my autoship. This is the freshest beverage I have ever tasted. RioVida to me tastes like yogurt in liquid form. This product can put vitality in your system the very second the product is swallowed. I really feel fresher than I have ever felt before. It almost takes me back to my youthful stage of when I was a cheerleader. I can say that most people would not want to pay attention only because they have not experienced these products. I say "why not!!! Just think about it, are you familiar with any type of herbs or minerals. Do you purchase any supplements at the Health Stores? Well, maybe you have your favorite substance. Well what Transfer Factor provides with the exception of it's priority ingredient, which is the Transfer Factor. 4Life has compounded the herbals and minerals, stuff like Ginseng, Aloe Vera etc. The combinations have been given different strength levels to produce the effect you would need to support your immune system against whatever the health problem is. Physicians are in the patent of these products but 4Life has devoted their product store for distributions to the public because they don't won't to have to just depend on the physicians prescriptions for simple maintenance of providing you with the appropriate nutrients you would need to stay healthy. It's no miracle, this is a scientific based format organization built on supporting everyone. Of course you may need to consult your physician to find out which product is good for you. I strongly encourage this if you are currently very ill and under a doctor's supervision. I have had operations a tonsillectomy, and hernia. So I feel really bad sometimes and I look for a regimen that could support me. I don't have to constantly be on any type of medications, that I know of, but I know sometimes I'm not feeling just right. I can't say that I am a totally or very healthy individual still. But when I use the RioVida, I sure feel as though I am. The detoxification level of this product is fabulous and I'm taking pomegranate juice. I have always liked this fruit in my early youth but you can‘t feed your children those small seeds. Where can you get the combination of pomegranate, (the red seed fruit, with the hard peels); blue berries, acai berries and grapes all in one process. Now with the Transfer Factor added to this formula you have RioVida. I always feel the vitamin c level in this product right away. I love it and it's great for children too. 4Life is not a vitamin, let me get that straight. 4Life is a formula with minerals and herbs put together in assortment to make vitamin content but not considered a vitamin. This is why there are different formats for the supplements that they provide. A vitamin is a mineral compound put together to put certain compounds of the minerals in your system true. 4Life goes further than that, they would like to educate themselves in your immune system and put an instant target on the problem at hand, so that nothing dangerous spreads to another part of your extremities. In my own words!!

Try your product, I love yogurt. I have always felt pretty evened out after a yogurt or buttermilk dose. I'm telling you something else. This is a great way to settle your stomach and not filter hunger pains or give you the stripping effect like you need to eat something right away! Most vitamin regimens that you receive from the physician will have on the product, "Must take with food or drink." That's the difference here with 4Life Research. They formulate their products with nutrients designed to feed your system!! With that said I should at least have some consideration on your next healthful product., make it 4Life.

Check out these sites for information on what you might be interested in. Keep in mind your visits to the doctor for added confidence in your decision making process here.

Thanks to this magnificent self-starter and marketing pro Mike Akins I can provide for you this handy tool for reviews. (optional)

Why not take a call on the Transfer Factor Information line (866) 315-4002


call me directly 773-737-5066 ask for Denyse

Denyse Misher