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Angie Potts

173 Posts
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January is National Birth Defects Prevention Month
1/25/2007 9:34:46 AM
According to the National Birth Defects Prevention Network, birth defects are the leading cause of death in children less than one year of age-causing one in every five deaths. One in 33 babies is born with a birth defect. While the causes of most birth defects are still unknown, there are many steps a woman can take to increase her chances of having a healthy baby. Many birth defects happen in the very first stages of pregnancy, before a woman even knows she’s pregnant. For this reason every woman of childbearing age should begin incorporating good health habits into her daily routine.As advocates for reducing exposure to toxins in the environment, CHEC encourages you to take the 5 Easy Steps outlined in our new Blue Butterfly program to begin a lifetime of healthy habits for your health and the health of your children. 1. Avoid using pesticides 2. Use non-toxic or natural household cleaners and products 3. Clean up your indoor air 4. Eat more organic food 5. Use plastic products wisely If you’ve already taken these steps, make it your New Year’s resolution to get your friends, neighbors, childcare provider or school to take them. Watch for exciting new resources to help transform your home and your community.
Angie P