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Dave Cottrell

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Rednecks, monkeys and statitistics...
1/17/2007 4:31:20 AM
Hi everyone, Did you know that it's just amazing what you can "prove" with statistics? OK - You've heard the hypothesis that if you sat an infinite number of monkeys in a room typing away on word processors, eventually they'd recreate all the great classics in English.... hmmmmm.... makes you think... How about, if you have an infinite number of rednecks fire an infinite number of shotguns at an infinite number of targets.... Does that mean that rednecks could actually reproduce all the great classics on road signs in Braille??? You could actually perhaps prove that more men get loaded in a particular railroad town at Christmas than boxcars... Somebody said, "Statistics means never having to say you're certain." Sounds like the weatherman... (Maybe that's why someone said that a statistician can have his head on fire and his feet frozen solid, and he will say that on the average he feels fine.) I once heard about a redneck cafe where the owner was asked to explain how he could sell rabbit sandwiches so cheap. He said he had to put some horse meat in, too, but he mixed it 50:50. One horse, one rabbit... Ain't statistics fun?? Have a wonderful day! And remember, there's a fifty-fifty chance you'll be reading this in the morning or in the afternoon... God bless, Dave
Neil Reinhardt

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Re: Rednecks, monkeys and statitistics...
1/17/2007 5:47:34 AM
Hi Dave, Good ones. Thanks! Someone, wish I could remember who and the exact quote, said something to the effect of: While numbers do not lie, liars use numbers to prove their point. Next, a while back, you had a forum on discrimination. As I have again been affected by it twice today, I posted a forum on it. Hope you read it. Please, Take Care! Neil
This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says: For a simple, inexpensive, and great tasting, way to earn money, click here: ----------------------- -------------------- And for a progam which is better than most mlm's I know of
Geketa Holman

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Re: Rednecks, monkeys and statitistics...
1/17/2007 7:41:08 AM

Hi Dave ,

That was a good one . Thanks for the morning smiles. lol



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Re: Rednecks, monkeys and statitistics...
1/17/2007 2:12:25 PM

Dave, thanks for starting my afternoon well.  I wonder how many statisticians Big Pharma hires?

I'm 200% Lawton

Re: Rednecks, monkeys and statitistics...
1/17/2007 2:14:38 PM

Oops!  My finger slipped without my being aware of it.  My sign-off should have been 100% Lawton

