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Don't stop giving because the holidays are over.
1/6/2007 5:28:05 AM
Don't Stop Giving Because The Holidays Are Over  
Written By: Darryl Lardizabal

    I know many of you are flat out broke including myself because of the holiday season. With all the parties, gifts, and traveling going on, it sure is great to feel "normal" again. Well during the holiday season we give, give, and give some more like no tomorrow, but why don't we continue to do that for the rest of the year.

    Giving is a very important trait and characteristic that seperates you from others. Those selfish and greedy to give are those that no one ever likes to be around. Tell me what do you think giving does for you? For me, it makes me feel happy, radiant, loving, and well just a better person for doing so, don't you think? But, don't think of it just for your own personal fulfillment because that shouldn't be the case, but more so for another person's enjoyment and happiness and thus your own as well.

    Don't you remember the line that "Giving is better than receiving." Well it is, and what if I told you it could help your business as well. You see, business is mainly about one thing, that one thing, well hopefully you know it, is people. Any business that does not focus on what people want and need will eventually fail in the long run. You may say your in the health business, the communications business, hell even in the network marketing business, but guess what...all of these business are in the people business.

    Now you may ask why did he go on and on about giving and suddenly change the subject to people. Well people and giving go hand and hand. You see giving of your time, your expertise, your own knowledge is something that people value and share and is a good way to create a relationship with someone you barely know. Business is about relationships and the more value, the more you give to make a relationship work, the more you can get out of it because people are more willing to help you out in return. Maybe not specifically with your business, but they will be able to help you in some way or form.

    You see when you form a relationship, you form a connection that may not equivocate to a sign-up or a sale in the short-term, but can increase your business for the long-term by referrals being given to you. These referrals are always needed, and of course you can form connections with the people you just met as well. As stated by Jeffrey Gitomer, "All Things Being Equal, People Want To Do Business with Their Friends." You always want to give more, than you receive and for some reason this will lead to more being given to you as well.

    You begin to create an attraction of giving towards you because you yourself are focused to giving as well. You begin to unknowingly and unconsciously make people want to help you out (giving you their time and sometimes even your money). This attraction is called the law of attraction and basically means you attract, what you most often think about and feel. So go ahead, go give to your friends, family, and people you barely know because you never know who will be given to you. Your giving will be eventually talked about by everyone and as stated by Jeffrey Gitomer, "It's not who you know, but who knows you" that truly matters.

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To Your Business and Success, Darryl Lardizabal

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