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Aspartame and Rare Form of Brain Cancer Tumors
12/25/2006 4:29:48 AM

Did you know that some children’s vitamins have Aspartame. Most chewing gum sold in stores has Aspartame. Currently there are over 6,000 products in the market with Neurotoxin sugars. Are you checking the labels of the food you buy. For sure I am.


Just remember this. Cancer and tumors CAN NOT GROW in high pH Alkaline body. So obviously the one thing that these artificial sweetners do is to make your blood highly acidic. To learn more click here:


Aspartame and brain tumors


In 1981, Arthur Hull Hayes was appointed commissioner of the FDA and in 1983 he approved aspartame for use in beverages. Three months later he left the FDA and accepted a position as the Senior Medical Advisor to Searle’s PR firm of Burson-Marstellar.


Despite the objections of Dr. Olney and other neuroscientists and pathologists, the product was given approval, essentially for all foods and beverages.


In 1992, Dr. Olney published a study that suggested that the significant rise in human brain tumors was related to the widespread use of aspartame, since it began after the approval of aspartame in foods and beverages. In Searle’s original study Dr. Olney found that there was a 47-fold increase in brain tumors in the rats exposed to high dose aspartame. Even Searle’s figures showed a 25-fold increase in brain tumors. 


Using existing data, Dr. Olney and his co-authors found a 65-percent increase in brain tumors in humans since aspartame was approved by the FDA. Dr. H.J.  Roberts also reported a similar rise in a rare form of brain cancer associated with aspartame use.


Brain tumors in lab rats—and people


And a recent study by one of Europe’s most prestigious oncology groups (a million dollar study) found a non-statistically significant increase in brain tumors in 1,800 rats tested using aspartame. The control animals, which received no aspartame, developed no brain tumors, whereas the aspartame exposed animals developed 10 malignant gliomas, 1 medulloblastoma and 1 malignant Meningioma. I have had contact with a number of young women who have developed brain tumors (astrocytoma) following heavy use of aspartame products. When we combined the experimental studies with the clinical data it is obvious that aspartame is strongly linked to brain tumors and most likely lymphomas and leukemia’s.


Of great concern is the study by Trocho and his co-workers from the University of Barcelona, which found that aspartame was absorbed and then broken down into its component parts, including methanol and the methanol was further broken down into formic acid and formaldehyde.  Using sophisticated radioactive labeling techniques he proved that the formaldehyde from the aspartame attached itself to the DNA, RNA and proteins of cells and that it was very difficult to removed.  Further, they showed that the formaldehyde caused breaks in the DNA.


This has major implications in humans, since DNA damage, as was seen in their study, causes a multitude of cancers in humans as well as worsening of autoimmune diseases, diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s dementia, Parkinson’s and ALS.  It also causes concern because DNA breaks in the DNA in sperm and ova can cause increased cancer risk and developmental problems in the offspring of mothers and fathers consuming aspartame products.


In the Bressler examination of the Searle tumor study they found that the female animals exposed to aspartame had a very high incidence of uterine polyps, which were rare in rats not exposed. In fact, at even moderate doses, there was a 15-fold increase in uterine polyps. In addition, they found several ovarian tumors, breast Fibroadenoma, several pituitary adenomas, several lymphomas and pancreatic tumors. END


***Critical*** Must Know information: and that is that Artificial sweeteners will cause Acidosis of the blood. Get this. Cancer and Tumors can not grow in a high pH Alkaline body. Get the facts here:



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