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Dave Cottrell

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Growing like a California Brush Fire!
12/10/2006 8:08:52 PM
Hi everyone, You may find this rather funny... Please don't laugh too hard.... :-D I just noticed that while I've added several great resources to this forum for free advertising that works, I neglected to add the one resource that actually belongs to me: Towerhits is only a couple of months old, and is growing like a California brush fire. Members are pouring in every day, and we have already soared past 1100 sites in rotation and over 500 new members. It has been a very rewarding and satisfying experience for me as members love the clean look, smooth surfing, 20 second timer, and the ability to open an interesting site in a new window without disturbing their session, simply at the click of a mouse. Members are rewarded for introducing their friends to the system, and new members receive 2000 credits on registration. I want to thank all my Adlandpro friends who have already joined us, and to welcome all new members. God bless, Dave
Joyce Parker Hyde

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Re: Growing like a California Brush Fire!
12/10/2006 8:54:06 PM
Thanks Dave,
It does look nice.
Leon Horton

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Re: Growing like a California Brush Fire!
12/10/2006 10:40:45 PM
Hi Dave,

Thanks for letting everyone know about .

I am a member and I am quite happy with the surf site.

I hope others will take advantage of your service to get their pages seen.

Peace to you and yours,
Re: Growing like a California Brush Fire!
12/10/2006 11:09:38 PM
 Hi Dave,

I am a member and do use the auto surf from time to time.

I try to stay nearby most of the time and get the chance to see most of the sites.

Am pleased with the service and will try to use it more as time allows.

The Firefox tabbed windows is good for this because I can do something else and still have access to the autosurf.


John Partington

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Re: Growing like a California Brush Fire!
12/11/2006 5:40:07 AM

Hi Dave,

I am a very happy member of Tower Hits and although I haven't surfed for a while I will be over to promote my sites again shortly.

So friends if you want to join a great resource for free Dave's site is just perfect for promoting your site or afilliate links, just make sure that the site you want to promote doesn't have popups!

Best Wishes


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