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Cheryl Bowman

124 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
11/25/2006 9:21:28 PM

This is for the people in the US only -

If you would like to earn free stuff from my store, you can "host" a party. 

You can do it right from online - just let me know, so I can create an account name for you - you would tell your friends and family, and let them tell their family and friends - if they order a certain amount, you get free stuff!

This is how it works - after 2 weeks (14 days):

if your sales are over $150.00 (easy to do!) you, as the host/hostess will get $30.00 worth of merchandise (or can apply $30.00 credit to your order)

if your sales are $200.00 and over, you, as the host / hostess will get $40.00 of merchandise or can apply a $40.00 credit to your order.

Your customer would simply enter the store, place their order, and during checkout, there is a comments box - they need to put "yourname's party" so you will get credited.  Two days after your party is over, you will get an email with a coupon code so that you can enter it in the website and get your free or discounted stuff!

Birthdays coming up are great for this - you can tell your relatives that is your online birthday party, send them the link and a picture of what you want to "work" for!

You can post here or email me at to let me know that you want to sign up, and I will get you started.

For those who have not looked through the entire store, this would be a good time - there is lots of great stuff!


Bea Souza

1316 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Re: Parties
11/26/2006 9:48:07 AM

You have come up with another great idea, Cheryl. I wish you much success.


Cheryl Bowman

124 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Re: Parties
11/26/2006 10:13:22 PM

Thanks, Bea!



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