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Joanne Martell

205 Posts
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Re: Update on my nephew! It's Not So Good News
11/28/2006 1:06:40 PM

Hello Friends,

Please continue to keep Darren in your prayers. He is now feeling the effects of the chemo, and is quite sick. He can't eat because his mouth is too sore, so they have him on liquids.

My brother and his family have gone to Ontario to be with Darren during this, and it is so hard on them as well, to see him feeling so awful. They were fortunate to have lots of friends give them money to make the trip, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to afford to go, as my brother is disabled himself.

Blessings and love to all,


Re: Update on my nephew! It's Not So Good News
11/28/2006 1:59:28 PM
There is so much that can be done to strengthen the immune system.  I am sure you have heard of many of them.  A lot ot times, though, people don't want to try anything but what the doctor says.  I can look up specific pages and send them, if need be, but go and read about Sam's Formula at  Actually, that's not where you would read the story (I need to get that URL).  The man's wife got breast cancer about 12 years ago and used it finally after her husband was using it for preventiion for 10 years.  She started to use it, started getting chemo, too, and the cancer went away quickly.  Another product that people have been beta testing and using in their own way is Karl's Formula.  You can read about that at  A company is being formed around that product by a philanthropist that is doing it so that we can make some good money by distributing something that works and is affordable for everyone.  My username is worldclass.  We are not to sign up anyone at the moment, but he will have a unique way to help sign people up.  You can read about Dr. Jon through some links.  He has a great heart.  I may get to meet him soon because my great friend is helping him.  People have been using the product in more ways than is recommended.  One man had a lymph problem for years and rubbed it on his lymph glands, and that problem finally disappeared.  One woman wasn't sure if she was getting breast cancer, had pancreatic problems, or what, but she applied some underneath her breasts, and the discomfort went away quicklly annd completely.  The final couple of things would be the green soap and neutralizer at URI (David Rubright who was just showcased could help you with that - I get it through him).  I use it and love it.  There is also the Uri Complete Food (I think it's called).  I love it mixed with mostly water and a little orange juice.  The other would be  I love what that has done for me.  I have used it to knock out strept throat and other things that I felt coming on.  I used it when my blood sugar dropped dangerously low a few years ago (the lowest point physically in my life).  It restored in pretty much immediately.  It never happened to me before and was scary.  It happened once more a few days later, and it worked again.  The doctor that developed it is available by phone, and she will tell you her story, plus tell you of others that it helped in similar situations.  It's cheapest by the case (several cases even better).  I also like EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique.  You can do a search on it (I don't know the URL offhand), but Jim Mercola ( recommends it.  He also has a lot of solid recommendations about nutrition, milk, meat, wheat, organic foods, vaccinations, etc, and I think he is supposed to have one of the most read sites on health and nutrition. I hope I was careful enough in everything and in the way I said it.  There's a lot of people that like to recommend things, so you may have heard from a lot of them.  I am working slowly to restore my health in between all the things I keep busy with.  One other great thing to look up is the 5 Tibetan Rites.  It combines 29 yoga exercises into 5, and isn't too difficult at all.  It balances out the hormones and energy, and I think that would be one of the most important things your nephew can do.  The times I have actually stopped and done them, I feel great.  I only do 7 reps of each - 21 was too much the first time(!).  One URL is - that is my site, but if you can get it through whoever you might know that is an affiliate.  I haven't done a lot of things yet becasue I don't have much cash to spare, but I am working on that and doing what I can.  I know that I can be healthier than I am, and I am trying to get there(!).  :)  My main site that I am working in is  I am goingn to try to build that into a site where people can go to follow research into different products and companies that I have looked into and feel comfortable recommending.  There's not much up there right now, and no affiliate links for anything, either, but if you want to check it out down the road, hopefully I will be able to build it to be what I envision.  Thanks for reading, and I will lift up a prayer for him.
Joanne Martell

205 Posts
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Re: Update on my nephew! It's Not So Good News
11/28/2006 2:29:46 PM

Thanks for the information!

We've already got him started taking Frequensea, which my sister sells. I know there are people who have been cured using this as well, so we'll see how it goes.

Thanks again!


Marion Tucker

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Re: Update on my nephew! It's Not So Good News
11/29/2006 9:38:33 AM
Hi Joanne,

Darren is in our prayers as well as the family. 

I know that the effects of chemo can be quite challenging to someones body. 

It is wonderful that the family has so many kind friends that were able to pitch in and help. 

Many Blessings,

Highest Paying Business Network In The World! NEW REVOLUTIONARY ANTI-AGING BREAKTHROUGH!!! NO MORE PILLS OR JUICE, just spray nutrients in your mouth!
Joanne Martell

205 Posts
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Re: Update on my nephew! It's Good News
12/16/2006 1:14:50 PM

Hi Everyone!

I have an update on my nephew Darren!  He's now out of the hospital and will be coming home to Cape Breton by Tuesday of next week.

Our prayers have worked wonders for him, and I thank you from the bottom of my bursting heart!

His doctor couldn't believe that he didn't even get a fever during his treatments, and I know it's from all of the wonderful prayers everyone has been saying for him. People worldwide have been keeping him in their thoughts!



