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This is Amazing!!!!
11/3/2006 4:30:25 PM
Dear Friends, You have just got to see this! A dear friend sent this to me, so click on the Link below.. Luv Ya, Sweetgrame :-)
Larry Blethen

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Re: This is Amazing!!!!
11/3/2006 10:33:57 PM
hello Sweetgrame...thank you for the URL...Larry
Larry Blethen, 304-369-5603
Sue Lester

148 Posts
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Re: This is Amazing!!!!
11/4/2006 11:17:35 AM
Hi Sweetgrame
I have tears rolling down my cheeks - yes I know I'm soft but I can so understand that man's love for his dog - I have a black labrador called Nell who I love to bits.  I often say to my husband "Is it right to be so in love with your dog?" but he just smiles because he's as bad as I am.  Thanks for posting this - Its priceless.

Sue x
Re: This is Amazing!!!!
11/4/2006 1:14:23 PM
Hello Sue, I glad this has touched your heart as it did mine!! I think we all are softies when it come to the amimals that we own. Happy that you stopped by & Thank You. Luv Ya, Sweetgrame :-)
Re: This is Amazing!!!!
11/4/2006 1:15:30 PM
Dear Larry, I so hope you enjoyed the Video!! Thanks for stopping by again! Luv Ya, Sweetgrame :-)