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Muriel Holladay

190 Posts
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Tools To Life Course - Free!!
11/2/2006 11:05:57 AM

For all of you who visit my site here is an online freebie that anyone can benefit from. 

Devlyn Steele, a successful life coach, is putting his Tools To Life course on line.  While it is still in beta and all the wrinkles are being ironed out, it is absolutely free!!  How long this free offer will last is anyone's guess.  But I would suggest getting in while it is still free. 

As Devlyn states in day eight of the course, life skills are not taught in our schools and most of us live daily carrying around a lot of negative "baggage" that is just not true.

So if you want to enjoy your life more, be happier, reach the goals that you have for yourself etc., then give this a try. 

I urge you to tell anyone that you know who might be interested as anyone who takes this course will benefit.

I am loving it!! 

Now I am going to go and have a great day!!  I hope you wil do the same.




Re: Tools To Life Course - Free!!
11/2/2006 1:14:38 PM

Hi Muriel,

Thanks for the tip.I will look further into it.

I have a website that I would like to offer everyone that has to be on my top-5 when it comes to my personal development.I ordered the DVD and watch this weekly and always get something out of it.It is awesome and changing my life.


Alexander Lodi

Wishing You Life's Best, Alexander Lodi 845.590.2637
Muriel Holladay

190 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Re: The
11/2/2006 1:50:42 PM

Thanks Alexander,

I will take a look at that.  h-m-m so secretive - looks interesting.  I didn't have time to watch right now but will later.

How is the Kanga water business?  Did you join?

Take care.

