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Luella May

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Who Gave the FDA Snow White's Apple?
11/1/2006 7:02:59 AM

Who Gave the FDA Snow White's Apple?
By Dawn Worthy

“While USDA bureaucrats drag their feet on closing key loopholes in national organic organic standards, retailers, wholesalers and major “organic” brands are continuing to sell milk and dairy products labeled as "USDA Organic”, even though most or all of their milk is coming from factory farm feedlots where the animals have been brought in from conventional farms and are kept in intensive confinement, with little or no access to pasture.”

- Organic Consumers Association

Did you know that Bayer Corporation “accidentally” released a genetically modified strain of rice into the wild and infected the U.S. long grain rice supply? Well, that was a relatively recent occurrence so let’s go with a golden oldie. Did you know that Monsanto sells a growth hormone (rBGH) to dairy farmers that substantially increases milk production but causes mastitis in cows? Just in case you didn’t know, mastitis in a cow means pus in the milk. To counteract the pus, they load up the cows and the milk with antibiotics. Mmmm yummy!

Maybe it’s just me but I find it impressive the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not think that I need protection from these kinds of events. In the case of Bayer, since the genetic modification was not approved before it escaped, the FDA decided to rush it through the approval process. The Japanese government thought it would be a better idea to ban it and they did. No more long grain rice imports from the U.S. for Japan. The European Union (EU) isn’t too keen on our infected rice either and since the United States has refused to test for the infiltration voluntarily, the EU has made inspection a requirement upon arrival.

The world has 30 years of experience with rBGH under its collective belt. The majority of the industrialized world has banned its use and consumption of products produced through its use, except the United States. Our heroes at the FDA do not feel the negative data is conclusive enough to take that kind of radical action.

Fear not, as consumers we can always make decisions that allow us to avoid these hazards to our health. The FDA requires companies to tell us all this information on the labeling…right? Well, the latest and greatest in the cosmetics and food industry is nanotechnology and the FDA does not require anyone to tell you that they are using nanoparticles at all. Despite testing indications from several studies dating as far back as 1997, the FDA position appears to dismiss the potential hazard to internal organs as still speculative. When people start dropping dead, we can expect the jury to still be out. Erich Pica, Domestic Campaigns Director of environmental watchdog group Friends of the Earth, says, “FDA has been sleeping at the wheel, while hundreds of sunscreen and cosmetics products have been placed on store shelves without adequate regulations and safety testing.”

Not to worry, you can avoid all this balderdash by buying organic right? Don’t bet the farm on it. Our sleepy defenders at the FDA and in Congress have been frantically working to relax the definitions of “organic” and “natural” in labeling.

In short, (I know it’s a little late for that) we should all be making the frowny face by now. We are our only line of defense. Despite all the claims to the contrary, “Big Brother” is not protecting us because he is too busy with his harlot girlfriend “Big Business.” I know there is just too much information out there to keep track of it all. Find a special interest group and take an interest.

Dawn and Elias Worthy, owners of Fresh From the Farm, offers a complete line of biodegradable, vegan friendly, organic botanical soap. What is in the soap is good. What isn't in the soap is even better. There are no artificial ingredients. There are no manufacturing, coloring or fragrance additives. It's simple, Aunt Ann's Garden Soap is naturally good. We invite you to see for yourself at


To your continued success

John Elliott aka Oaky Wood & Luella May

Robert Talmadge

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Re: Who Gave the FDA Snow White's Apple?
11/1/2006 8:16:18 AM
There are many horror stories about our food and
our prescription medicine. Either people have been
hardened by this or don't believe it because there
are not a whole lot that seem to care enough
about it to stand up and do something.

Each year, thousands die because of prepared food
contaminants and Prescription drug side effects.

If it happened to one in your own family, then
it drives the point home quickly.

This is why I always tell my patients to go "back to
basics" and buy whole foods and prepare them
in your oun kitchen.

The human body does not tolerate some of the
chemicals that are put into prepared foods,
and dis-ease is the result.

Milk is a prepared food. There is a fad at this moment
People are buying raw milk right from the farm in
increasing amounts.

Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.
Luella May

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Re: Who Gave the FDA Snow White's Apple?
11/2/2006 11:46:58 PM

Hello Robert,

Many people have just been brain washed through the years into thinking that medicine is the way to go.  It breaks my heart when an elderly person will make the decision not to take natural supplements that will only improve their health because of fear that they will cause an adverse effect with all the medicine they are taking.

It is getting to be crucial that we become informed in order to protect our health.

Kindest regards,

Luella May and John Elliott, aka Oaky Wood
