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Re: Life and Death
10/31/2006 7:16:44 AM
Thanks for Sharing Michael!! You know, being a Registered Nurse that watched far too many patients die it made it VERY REAL that life is PRECIOUS and NOT TO BE WASTED! Go after your goals with everything you have... make a DIFFERENCE in Lives, and Man, LIFE can be great! I look back at the 16-20 hour days I worked as a Charge Nurse and then Medical Fraud Investigator, and yeppers... that was GREAT for ego stroking. You know what?? My kids didn't care about my EGO! I love being home full time now... being the cheerleader at the swim meets, and the home that's known as the place for friends to go to with problems since Tim and I are both home full time. We don't know what tomorrow will bring! Make TODAY count!!! Linda/CMAS, BS, RN http://www.TimandLinda.INFO "With Our Heads Held High" AOL and Yahoo IM - TxBizNurse I will work and live for a few years like others are UNWILLING to, so I can LIVE for the rest of my life like others are UNABLE to...
Judy Smith

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Re: Life and Death
10/31/2006 7:40:05 AM

What beautiful thoughts, Michael.  I have a tendency to complain about my "day job" a lot!  I have to continuously remind myself that I am and should be extremely grateful that I have a great job.  So, I'm smiling, and I say thanks to God that I am working, alive and have so much.

Thanks for the post.  We all need a good jolt once in a while.  The story about the blind girl really got to me!

God bless and have a great day


Larry Blethen

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Re: Life and Death
11/1/2006 9:51:27 AM
hello Michael...we should all remember what we have ...Larry
Larry Blethen, 304-369-5603
Re: Life and Death
11/1/2006 2:28:56 PM

Thank you Pauline for your nice comments, God is watching us in our everyday lifes I was a man, who was once, a long ago going through a difficult time and today, I am still having money troubles. I work from 5.30Am till 7pm at night to bring bread to my lovely families table, I do my internet marketing at night and at weekends, just to give us those little extras, that God in his infinate wisdom gave us to survive in this harsh reality of life, when I was younger I met God face to face twice and he spoke to me. I share this with you and all Gods people out there, in humble retrospect and this is what He said, Our Lord who protects us and looks after us..

'Michael you are chosen,  so be it, go forth and spread my love, to my people, tell them this; Tell them I love them, tell them that there is a Kingdom in Heaven, my Kingdom, and if their heart is pure, one day you will meet me, your Lord God, your Saviour, and I will take them, my flock,  to my Kingdom, The Kingdom of God, for thine Lord is thy Shephard and he leadeth me into pastures new.'

When God first spoke to me I was 14 years of age.

Michael Nicolson Webmaster, Twitter me at Visit my websites or just google me TOP search all rockyboy2 michaelnicolson motto;He Who Dares Wins
Deborah Skovron

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Re: Life and Death
11/1/2006 9:57:59 PM

Hi Michael,

    What a wonderful forum. Really makes you stop and think.

Thank you, Michael.

Your Friend


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