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The New Trend
10/27/2006 2:10:53 AM

Hello Everyone,

I'm aware of that most people in adlandpro already have a program or have joined an MLM from a friends request. I get request all the time and quite frankly some of them look good, but I already have several health and wealth opportunites available. So, I understand not wanting to join someone else's program, but what I don't understand is why so many people overlook the Vibe. Everyone want optimal health and Vibe delivers your body a one two punch of super nutrition. It's advanced formula will give your body all the energy it needs to get more work done on your MLM, feel better and have the energy to play with the kids too. Vibe also just release Vibe 2.0 an updated verision of their product that not only has added the Acai berry. It has an improved taste that resembles fine wine. Don't join Vibe because it a great money maker. Join Vibe because it gives your body the extra energy, and healthly nutrition to achieve greatness with your current MLM. ...And beleive me once you've tried this product for just one month. You'll want to tell all your family and friends to insure the have optimal health and live a better quality life. Don't be fooled by other companies want to be juices, their is no comparision to the quality of health that Vibe can provide you and your family. Simply try this product for one month and you'll see what many other people now see, that Vibe is a great way to insure optimal health in your family.


Jeffrey Gouge