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Mentoring for Free
10/25/2006 9:51:49 PM

You can use the mentoring for free system to build any business. It will save you a lot of time and money. You will never need to buy leads. Once you read the ebook you can get get on our training calls. These are generic calls that include networkers from different companies from around the world. We don't mention company names. You will learn a lot about marketing from this mastermind group for free and it's excellent to plug your team into.

I also use traffic swarm to market my ebook for free. There's no need to get the paid verison. I just use the system and I'm able to track my adds etc.

I also use direct matches (free version), myspace and many more. There are a bunch more that you can learn but that's available on the mastermind calls.



The Drummerboy

1069 Posts
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Re: Mentoring for Free
10/25/2006 11:54:38 PM

Hi Julian!  :-)

I have seen and participated in many different "marketing systems" online over the years.  And I have to tell you......Mentoring For Free is simply one of the best.

Michael, Richard and Dave are absolutely awesome!  I love the late night "Mastermind" calls.......that's where the real magic happend for me!

To everyone else out there, if your tired of doing things the same way as everyone else......getting the same results as everyone else.......tired of wasting your time & money.....GET ON THESE CALLS!

Truth be told, You can't pay for a better education on how to PROPERLY work a Network Marketing business......ANYWHERE!  You have a chance here to become an apprentice, to learn from one of the top dogs of Network marketing!

This is a no brainer!  Get on the call!  What do you have to lose?  It's FREE!

If you don't make a change.....nothing will change.


~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!

Larry Blethen

2241 Posts
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Re: Mentoring for Free
10/26/2006 6:32:48 AM
hello Julian ...thank you for this information...I have do TrafficSwarm also...Larry
Larry Blethen, 304-369-5603

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