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Dave Cottrell

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Rookie Cop's First Day....
10/25/2006 3:01:50 PM
Hi everyone, I hope you have a better day than this young cop... :-) A rookie New York cop was on his first day in a patrol car. The sergeant had teamed him up with a more experienced partner. After a quiet hour, a call came through asking them to disperse a group of people who were loitering on the corner of 43rd Street. "I'll handle this," said the, rookie excitedly. So when they got to 43rd Street and saw a small crowd on a corner, he leapt out of the car and yelled, "OK, move along now. Haven't you got homes to go to?" The crowd were reluctant to disperse, so he repeated the command, "Come on now, move on." Puzzled, they slowly drifted off in different directions. The rookie climbed back into the patrol car. "Not bad, huh?" he said proudly to his partner. "Yeah, you did OK. Pity it was a bus stop. ..." ------------------------- Have an awesome day! God bless, Dave
Jo Matthias

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Re: Rookie Cop's First Day....
10/25/2006 3:14:54 PM

Hello Dave,

That was a real hoot!!!  Thanks for the laugh!!

VOTE!!!! POTM!!!
Re: Rookie Cop's First Day....
10/25/2006 5:04:01 PM
O o o o h, NOOOOO!!!
Deborah Skovron

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Re: Rookie Cop's First Day....
10/25/2006 8:31:18 PM

Hi Dave,

     How funny!!!!!  Thank you for the laugh.

Your Good Friend


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Rick Willey

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Re: Rookie Cop's First Day....
10/26/2006 12:09:40 AM
Not only was that very funny
 but if you think about it there is a good lesson in there too about making assumptions!