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Welcome To The Person Of The Week Forum (66th Edition)!!!
10/23/2006 11:44:13 AM

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Greetings To Everyone At AdlandPro From John Sanchez and LaNell!

It’s time again for my favorite project of the week and that is the Feature of The Week! It is my favorite project because you folks and the POTW’s of the week make it a very special event. We are all so fortunate to be a part of this community that is made up of so many friendly and talented people. Thank you so much for your support and for making this event so special. Love and Blessings to you all! John R. Sanchez

The reason the Feature of the Week forum was created was to honor people who have a positive influence on this community. To qualify the person has to be an active member and one who contributes to the positive atmosphere here AdlandPro. Here are the criteria for nominating a member for the Feature of the Week (also referred to as the Person of the Week, POTW). This criterion can be seen at the site below:


How Do I Get Selected as Person of the Week?


To be chosen as Person of the week you:


• Are highly visible on the community

• Are always seen as respectful, professional, and helpful.

• Must be nominated for the program by another member of the   Community and voted on by other members.

• Must have a real photo of themselves on their profile.



The winner of this week’s POTW award goes to a lady who is known as the Angel Lady, her name is Jenny SJ. She is known as the Angel Lady because of her work where she creates Angel figurines for customers in her village. Jenny is very dear to many of us here at AdlandPro so we would also like to think of her as the Angel Lady for that reason. Congratulations on the winning the POTW award Jenny enjoy your week on the clouds we have created here for you at AdlandPro! We love you!


Here's Jenny's Bio:

Hi John and LaNell,


If anyone had told me  8 months ago that I  would be writing on the POTW Forum at AdlandPro, I wouldn’t have believed them  I don’t think I believe it still.


I am here because of you, my very good friends and it is your friendship that is the biggest prize.


I never believed that it was possible to make friends on the internet.  I was very wrong and now know a wonderful group of people at AdlandPro that anyone would be proud to call friends. I wish I could hug you all. 


My life – born in London in the age of paper and pen and wirelesses.  When I was little, I loved to put on plays – always the director, never the actress LOL.  I went to college to study Law and there I was active in the the Social Welfare group of the Students Union, organizing children’s parties for the local Kids and Fund raising events for the victims of natural disasters,(like floods), amongst other things.  I found time to study and rock and roll too!


Then off to work at being “something in the City of London”, where I spent my last years as a management consultant until I decided to move to Spain, in 1986.  I live on the south coast of Granada in  a town called Almuñecar, better known as El Castillo in Laurie Lee’s famous book of his walking trip through Spain, “When I Walked Out One Summer Morning”.  It is a beautiful historical place that is full of Phoenician and roman ruins, with a few relics of the Moorish rule.  I live in a little house in the nearby village, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, which I look at across a field of olive trees.


I have two beautiful boys who refuse to allow me to put their photos on the internet, who study in the Capital Granada City and look out on to the Alhambra Palace from their classroom window, (even though they are meant to be looking at their books), and a fat cat, a little mongrel dog called Luna and a big beautiful husky called Sultan who is the gentlest creature in the world who was abandoned here about 6 years ago.  One day I hope to walk him in Central Park with Rick and Marilyn and John and Marilyn’s dogs, although I am a little nervous to let him off the leash since Arild ran him over last month. LOL


I visit Granada for any major paperwork and medical stuff, which is always an excuse to spend some time in its majestic ancient streets.  It hasn’t been knocked about like so many of the andalucian cities so there is so much still to see.

My angel business started by accident.   I had been working doing many different jobs, to support my family including publicity manager for a magazine and a publicity gifts business.   I have always loved angels, and painted for a hobby and in l999 was asked to provide a stand for the Spanish Cancer Association Craft Fair – which was a roaring success and from then on I started to take my angels to markets and fairs and gave up the road for a life in my workshop, next to my home. 


Now, I have been joined by a friend from my village and spend my days painting angels and nativities for shops and private customers.  The “suited business Lady” turned into the Angel Lady, who is invariably covered in paint with bits of gold leaf sticking out from under my nails.  But I have a smile on my face when I work now and my studio “spreads” into the house at times and the kids complain that they cant sit down for angels all over the place.  (I still maintain my part time occupation as a clutter queen).  ¡Every Christmas I run an Artisans Fair with a colleague to support the local artisans and the Spanish Association against Cancer

I joined AdlandPro to promote my Website Alas y Cia on line through the Community and discovered this big and wondrous community, which has also become part of my life.  I have a wonderful group of friends and we’ve laughed and cried, and scolded and advised.  And this year I am going to be lucky enough to meet a few of you, although some of you are still very far away. 


It has been a great pleasure to join up with Rose Enderud on the Arts Exhibition At AdlandPro Forum.  We both separately wanted to do something to liven up the Arts and Crafts sections of Adland.  They had been sadly underused and there was no opportunity for Artist and Craftsmen to network at AdlandPro.  Then Rose started her Artshow forum and generously opened it to all AdlandPro members to show their work.  It started to become very popular and attract people who were delighted to have a possibility to show their work.  It is one of Adland’s most successful new Forums with over 7000 visits to date and a few more added every day.


After this, Rose invited me to start the Arts Exhibitions with her – one man (person) exhibitions for individual working artist and craftsmen which has been a great success and will be a fixture at Adland Pro.  We have now been joined by Venerina and AdlandPro is putting arts and crafts on the Internet Map!!

We are now at our busiest time in the Alas y Cia workshop – as angels and nativities are extremely popular a Christmas – working hard.  We now have my good friend Mary Hofstetter working with us and she is going to forward ship our US orders for angels and nativities in the States (to keep the shipping costs down, we will be sending out in bulk and she will distribute orders on from Ohio!).


So friends, Thanks to all of you again.   See you at the Arts Exhibitions

Alas y Cia Granada Angels and Nativities from Spain Web Site    

Arts Exhibitions at AdlandPro






We hope you have enjoyed getting to know this wonderful lady if you didn’t already know her. Please invite her to join your list of friends and please take the time to congratulate her.

Jenny (my sweet and feisty friend), I have enjoyed our conversations so much. I’m so happy for you at this moment… enjoy your week on cloud 9 (the experience of being on the front page of AdlandPro and being the winner of POTW award). Love ya!

Love and blessings to all of you from,

John Sanchez and LaNell



New POTW nominations forum at:

Nominations Forum < Click There!

Venerina Conti

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Re: Welcome To The Person Of The Week Forum (66th Edition)!!!
10/23/2006 11:51:49 AM

Hello John and thank you for the invitation ...


Jenny, my dear Jenny ... now what shall I say? .... hehehehehe

I could say plenty ... and then some .... hehehehehe

But you know the great thing about secrets is ... you can use them as blackmail material for favours .... when you need them!!!!!! hehehehehe

Congratulations huney .... enjoy this week ... it will be very interesting to say the least!!!! hehehehehe

Luv n hugs and plenty of humourous torture this week!!!!


Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: Welcome To The Person Of The Week Forum (66th Edition)!!!
10/23/2006 11:58:40 AM
Hello Ambasador,

I am always coming in at the end of the party. Today I am lucky. I camein in time.
Jenny is a very good friend her angelic and harmonic behaviour makes me feel calm. Everytime I have problems I am skyping her to get her opinion and after that I act. Matter of truth the last two monts we have close contact.

But though I know so little about this lady. She deserves this honour because to me she have given so much that I am owe her much. Everytime I neeed her she is there. She helps me proof-read my posts and much more.


Fell free like a bird
Enjoy your week
Be in Touch

PS. I can not come to Marbella.
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Geketa Holman

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Re: Welcome To The Person Of The Week Forum (66th Edition)!!!
10/23/2006 12:07:11 PM

Hi John and thanks for inviting me here.

Hello Jenny,

 I have not have the privilege of meeting you yet. I am going to invite you as a friend as soon as I get done here.  But, I think good work always deserves honour. So I wanted to stop by and congratulate you on being chosen as the POTW.

I love angles and have been collecting them for years now. Yours are lovely. Enjoy your week.




Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Pauline Raina

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Re: Welcome To The Person Of The Week Forum (66th Edition)!!!
10/23/2006 12:17:47 PM



you are one special person, enjoy you time in the limelight.... loads of luv to you dear friend

Pauline R


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