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Chris Wiseman

783 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Copy and paste the following message to your friends.
10/8/2006 9:46:09 PM

Re posting this for you to spread to your friends list. If you have already posted to this please forgive me.

Copy and paste the following message to your friends.


This month is very exciting as we launch the "World Peace" Guestbook entries project. This is an experiment to see how soon we can go around the globe and find people that support world peace. To get involved just follow the simple instructions below. I promise it will only take a couple of minutes.

This is not one of those chain mails....This is me reaching out to the world. If you support world peace and you want to share more love and friendship today and always I just need you to do two small things. I promise this is only going to take 2 minutes of your time today.  

Firstly I would like you to send this to as many people as possible. Don't pre judge who will and who won't want to take part....just send it to all your contacts and let them decide. 

Secondly I would ask that you copy the following message and post it to my guestbook.  Here is the message for you to copy 

"I took a small step towards world love, world peace and world friendship today" 

Now please paste it here 

The guestbook will simply provide a record of those people who believe that world peace is possible. That's it...that is all I ask. 

Thank you for reading this message and taking part in my personal experiment to find out how many people around the world support world peace. 

Thank you

Have a fantastic day Chris Wiseman Personal Website Chris Wiseman Positive About Forums -Take a look Don't forget to sign the Guestbook

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