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Have you tried an Ad auto submitter?
10/7/2006 6:24:08 PM

Hi Jim,

I agree...there is alot of trash out there!  I've wasted alot of money on things that didn't work.  I've been using an Classified Ad Submitter for about 2 1/2 years now called CyberFetch.  I've used some others and was not happy at all with the results but this one is great AND it doesn't have any monthly fees!  They update all their databases weekly (none of the others I've used did this!).  Here's the link to CyberFetch. 

It will submit your ads to 1000's of free sites at the push of a button as often as you like.  You can submit as many ads for as many businesses as you may have.  Just make sure you have a separate email address to use for free advertising cuz you are agreeing to recieving ads from the free sites as well and it can really clog up your email account.  I have a free yahoo account that I use for all my free advertising and I just empty it once a week or so.  Also, remember--this is free advertising so you have to do it massively and consistently to see results.  But it DOES work!  It's all about getting your website out there!

Hope this helps!



Karen Poulson If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary!

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