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Acai Plus: What Others Have PLUS What They Don't!
6/5/2005 10:07:12 AM
I posted a while back about another product that I was quite pleased with, however, it wasn't earning me the income I had anticipated. So when someone showed me Acai Plus, I decided to take advantage of the company's "FREE bottle to TRY" offer and become an Associate member for $19.95. What appealed to me most about this product and business opportunity was the fact that it JUST LAUNCHED YESTERDAY (our websites became available) and people can get a "FREE bottle to TRY" before committing to a monthly autoship like most of the other companies who offer similar healthy juices. As an Associate, I have a website that details everything about the product, the company, the compensation plan and what makes it different from the rest, as well as provides online training for the person new to network marketing, with a back office and autoresponder system that can hold 100,000 leads! All this and more for $19.95 a month! This is a PERFECT opportunity to TRY a NEW product for FREE and earn commissions of $10/retail sale from the website and $5/person who joins me, even at the $19.95 Associate level! US and Canadian residents are invited to take a look at Acai Plus TODAY and let me know what you think!

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