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Bogdan Fiedur

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Don’t waste your effort on a thing that results in a petty triumph....
6/2/2005 8:59:24 AM
"Don’t waste your effort on a thing that results in a petty triumph unless you are satisfied with a life of petty issues." – John D. Rockerfeller, Industrialist
Be a victor not a victim. Simply be responsible for what happensin your life.
Truth can only be found by those who have the humility to consider what they do not prefer.

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Re: Don’t waste your effort on a thing that results in a petty triumph....
6/2/2005 10:58:09 AM
Hi Bogdan, Your words are prophetic. They are right on time for the issue that is presently confronting me. Thanks, -Preston- 800-782-8142
Mahlon Grube

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Re: Don’t waste your effort on a thing that results in a petty triumph....
6/2/2005 11:07:06 AM
I could not agree more. We must keep our eyes on the big picture if we wan to win the big prize. Life is to short to live it in mediocrity. I know GOD has big plans for me and I keep on the path to succes.
God Bless You, Mahlon Grube I help people in MLM Succeed.
Re: Don’t waste your effort on a thing that results in a petty triumph....
6/2/2005 7:56:39 PM
•Small minded people who waste their efforts on something that results in a petty triumph receive no gain or personal satisfaction. •Pettiness is despised by everyone it is not constructive and just wastes time “ time is money.” •A petty person often prevents themselves from attaining their aims and goals. If you are satisfied with a life of petty issues you miss out on the joys of life, and the admiration of your family and friends. Bryan Webb **************************************# EARN and LEARN at: "Ferrari" Flash Presentation: **************************************#

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